Project Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers at a Conference on European Convention
The results of the project Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers were presented by a Russian team at a Conference on European Convention
Russia: no justice after four years
It is four years since the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was shot dead as she was entering the lift to her apartment in Moscow. Since then, more journalists and human rights defenders have been killed in the Russian Federation. Others have faced threats. No media outlet has lost more staff members than Novaya Gazeta – Politkovskaya’s employer. Neither the murderers nor any possible assassins’ paymasters have been convicted.
Regarding criminal prosecution of Nadezhda Nizovkina and Tatiana Stetsura
The participants of the conference “Human Rights: Between Law and Morals” and partner organisations of the project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers”, issued a letter of concern today regarding the criminal prosecution of lawyer and journalist Nadezhda Nizovkina and lawyer Tatiana Stetsura. Ms. Nizovkina and Ms. Tatiana Stetsura had been held defendants in a criminal case for inciting hatred against the Russian bodies.
Regular Conference of Russian Research Center for Human Rights
Members of the Board of Russian Research Center for Human Rights will gather with the aim to discuss the most urgent issues of situation with human rights in Russia, working our of joint policy and strategy, to discuss finance report of the Director, current and new projects of member organizations, election of the Director, Chairman of the Board and Audit Commission.
Ленинский районный суд г. Ульяновска рассмотрит исковое заявление, поданное Фондом «Право Матери»
1 СЕНТЯБРЯ Ленинский районный суд г. Ульяновска рассмотрит исковое заявление, поданное Фондом «Право Матери» от имени родителей (Рейзбих Лидии Михайловны и Рейзбиха Анатолия Ивановича), вдовы (Рейзбих Татьяны Александровны) и сына (Рейзбиха Никиты) – членов семьи погибшего военнослужащего Юрия Рейзбиха (1979 г. р.). Он проходил военную службу по контракту в военной комендатуре г. Бамут Чеченской Республики. 18 мая 2003 года он погиб в результате взрывной травмы. Все члены его семьи являются получателями пенсии по случаю потери кормильца в размере 40% денежного довольствия погибшего. Однако по закону – как члены семьи погибшего ветерана боевых действий – Рейзбихи имеют право на повышение пенсии по случаю потери кормильца в размере 32% расчетного размера пенсии, установленного в размере базовой части трудовой пенсии по старости. Военный комиссариат Ульяновской области отказал им в этом повышении, в связи с чем Фонд «Право Матери» обратился от имени членов семьи погибшего в суд. Интересы Рейзбихов представляет юрист Фонда «Право Матери» Анна Мукасеева. Начало заседания в 15.00. Билет для юриста Фонда «Право Матери» по маршруту Москва-Ульяновск бесплатно предоставлен авиакомпанией «Полет».
Russian citizens continue to fight for the right to gather freely
Citizens have rallied in several Russian cities and abroad to demonstrate for the right to gather freely in the streets and to demand of the Russian government to grant its citizens their constitutional rights.
The head of the Presidential Council on Human Rights, Ella Pamfilova had tendered resignation
Ella Pamfilova has refused to comment her decision to leave the post of the head of the Presidential Council on Human Rights. Human rights defenders hope her resignation will not be accepted.
Staff reporter of DOSH magazine Malika Betieva died in a car accident.
Staff reporter of DOSH magazine Malika Betieva came to a tragic end along with her family members in the Chechen Republic as a result of a road traffic accident on a track Grozny-Shatoy.
Concerns with deterioration of freedom of expression and opinion in Russia
Tagansky district court of Moscow found the organizers of the exhibition in Sakharov Museum “Forbidden Art 2006”, former museum director Yury Samodurov and former director of the Department of High Technologies of Tretiakov Gallery Andrey Erofeev guilty of inciting religious hatred and enmity. Samodurov has been sentenced to pay a fine of 200’000 rubles and Erofeev has been sentenced to a fine of 150’000 rubles.