– Russia needs other army!
February 17, 2011 ‘Mother’s Right’ Foundation summed up the results of the activities for 2010. Press conference was held under the title ‘We need other army!’ The Chairwoman of the Board Mrs. Veronika Marchenko presented Annual report 2010 of the organization.
Russian President meets UN Human Rights High Commissioner
On February, 15 President Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting with UN Human Rights High Commissioner Navanethem Pillay and representatives of human rights organizations.
Press-conference of ‘Mother’s Right’ Foundation
February 17, 2011 ‘Mother’s Right’ Foundation will hold its annual press-conference ‘We need other army’.
The Chairwoman of the Board Veronika Marchenko will present a report.
She will focus on such urgent problems as death of soldiers in the army, statistics of complaints from soldiers’ parents, presentation of social poster, problems of conscripts, etc.
Пресс-конференция Фонда “Право Матери”
В четверг, 17 февраля в 12-00 часов Фонд «Право Матери», с 1990 года
защищающий права родителей погибших солдат, – проводит большую ежегодную
пресс-конференцию на тему: «Нам нужна ДРУГАЯ армия!».
На пресс-конференции выступят:Председатель Правления Фонда «Право Матери» Марченко В.А.
Основные темы выступлений: причины гибели солдат в российской армии, статистика обращений в Фонд 2010 года, акция памяти «Я погиб в российской армии», презентация
социального плаката Фонда, проблемы призывников, анонс-приглашение на мероприятие 23 февраля «День Памяти и Скорби по всем погибшим в армии».
Situation in closed establishments in Russian Federation remains problematic
On 27 January 2011 the Russian Research Center for Human Rights held a final conference of the joint project ‘Prevention of torture and violent treatment in closed establishments of Russia’. All member organizations of the Center, as well as other local NGOs, members of Public Supervising Committees and media representatives discussed the results of the monitoring of human rights violations in closed establishments.
Visit to Mozhaisk prison for women
On the 27th of 2011 members of Public Supervising Committee on Moscow Region Abdulla Duduev and Israpil Shovkhalov (the editors of first independent North-Caucasian journal will visit Mozhaisk prison for women.
Final conference on prevention of torture and violent treatment
27th of January RRCHR will hold a final conference on a joint project “Prevention of tortures and violent treatment in closed establishments of Russia’. Such issues as concluding the results of the project, experience exchange, discussing perspectives and possibilities of public control in closed establishments of Russia are in the agenda of the meeting.
Press-conference ‘Public control in childish closed establishments of Russia’
Discussion of a case in Pavlovsky Foster Home in St.Petersburg and other similar cases.
It is not easy to get to know what in psycho neurological hospitals for enabled people is going on. The tragedy in Pavlovsky Hospital came to light accidentally, owing to volunteers’ activity.
Nadezhda Nizovkina and Tatiana Stetsura sentenced to a fine
On 19 January 2011, Sovetsky District Court penalized the participants of the Human Rights House Network project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers”, human rights defenders Nadezhda Nizovkina and Tatiana Stetsura. The court ordered a fine of 100 thousand rubles each for violations to Article 282.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.