

May 13, 2003

14th International Summer School on Human Rights

The Helsinki Foundation For Human Rights (HFHR) will be organizing the 14th International Summer School on Human Rights in the Republic of Poland in the period 6-14 September 2003. The School is intended for human rights activists, teachers and young lawyers from Central, Eastern European and CIS countries. (13-MAY-03)

April 23, 2003

Travelling Human Rights Film Festival in Poland

In December 2002 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) organized an international human rights film festival. Now, films from the repertoire of this festival are making their way around Republic of Poland in a travelling film festival which has been most successful. (23-APR-03)

April 17, 2003

Seminar on Human Rights in the United Europe

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) organized a seminar entitled ”Human Rights in the United Europe” from 11-13 April. More than 40 graduates from HFHR’s Human Rights School learned about EU institutions and human rights issues related to the EU.  (17-APR-03)

April 14, 2003

HFHR Disagrees with Polish Government’s Racial Discrimination Report

Poland’s Government has sent its report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination to the UN. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has published a counter report, which among other things draws attention to the existence of fascist organizations and the publishing of anti-Semitic materials. (14-APR-03)

February 26, 2003

Background: The Human Rights House in Warsaw 2002

Republic of Poland faces many human rights challenges. Read about them, and the main activities of the organizations in the Human Rights House in Warsaw in 2002.
File: Background 2002  (26-FEB-03)

October 23, 2002

Letter to OSCE on Belarus

President Marek Nowicki of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) in the Republic of Poland has written a letter to the OSCE, remarking Belarusian authorities´ violation of the freedom of expression. (23 August 2002)


July 2, 2002

Film festival on human rights?

The Helsinki Foundation is making efforts to organize in Warsaw the second International Film Festival “Human Rights in Film”. On 29 June HFHR´s representative Darek Kowalski returned from New York, where he had watched about 50 films presented at various festivals by Human Rights Watch. (2 July 2002)

July 2, 2002

Legal aid should be closer to the poor

HFHR’s publication entitled “Report on Monitoring of Access to Legal Aid Paid for by the State” was delivered to the participants of an international forum on legal aid in the Republic of Poland. The event took place in the Houses of Parliament in Warsaw.  (2 July 2002)

May 28, 2002

Project: “Access to legal aid in Poland”

For more than a year now the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) has been carrying out a project entitled “ACCESS TO LEGAL AID.” The culmination point of the project will take place on 7-8 June on the premises of the Polish Parliament: Sejm. (28 May 2002)