

March 12, 2004

Youth against xenophobia

On the 10th of March a group of young people, who participated in the seminar  “Youth Against Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism”, left Warsaw. 16 students from all over Republic of Poland worked together for 5 days, reflecting on what exactly xenophobia is and how it should be combated.(12-MAR-04)

February 16, 2004

Chechen refugees in Poland without refugee status

Chechens are the largest group seeking refugee status in the Republic of Poland. In 2003 out of 7 thousand applications to receive refugee status 3 thousand were sent in by Chechens. Only about 300 people were actually granted the status. (16-FEB-04)

February 10, 2004

Advanced Course for Human Rights Defenders from the Community of Independent States

Sunday the 8th of February marked the end of the 2nd session of the third Advanced Course for Human Rights Defenders organised by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, as part of the broader programme entitled “Organizing and Empowering the Human Rights Movement for Civil Society in the Community of Independent States”. (10-FEB-04)

February 2, 2004

Polish justice: Still slow after all these years

Unnecessarily prolonged court procedures is one of the most frequent violations of fundamental human rights in the Republic of Poland. In his report from Republic of Poland, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Alvaro Gil-Robles summarized the Polish judicial system like this: Slow justice is often equivalent to no justice at all. (02-FEB-04)

January 27, 2004

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights to establish mission in Iraq

Representatives of the Warsaw Human Rights House-based Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) have just returned from Iraq on a trip to investigate the possibility of establishing a permanent HRHF mission there. Their conclusion is that this will probably happen already in the spring of this year. If so, HFHR will be the second Polish NGO represented in Iraq, following the Polish Humanitarian Organisation´s permanent mission, which has been operating there since the middle of July 2003. (27-JAN-04)

January 16, 2004

Conference on human rights in North Korea coming up

Preparations for the 5th International conference on North Korean human Rights and Refugees, to be co-hosted by The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the South Korean organization Citizens´ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights are well underway. The conference will be held in Warsaw on February 29 – March 2. (16-JAN-04)

January 8, 2004

British film maker Kim Longinotto receives festival prize

With ´The day I will never forget,´ ducumenting the widespread practice of female circumcision in the Somali community in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, Kim Longinotto, further reconciled her position as one of Europe´s finest documentarist. At the ´Human Rights in Film´ festival, she received may well have been her biggest honour to date; the prize for outstanding commitment to human rights in film. (15-DEC-03) 

January 8, 2004

Third ‘Human Rights in Film’ festival ready

For the third time, the Warsaw Human Rights House hosts the ´Human Rights in Film´ festival. This year, with more than 60 films, ranging from cinematic portraits, to feature length documentaries approaching their subject matter in an almost fictional narrative style, the festival is bigger and better than ever. (10-DEC-03)

May 29, 2003

Advanced Course in Human Rights Defence

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) has organized the first International Advanced Course in Human Rights Defence. On 18 May 35 participants were granted certificates for completing the Course. (28-MAY-03)