

July 4, 2005

Broader access to legal professions

On Thursday, June 30, the Sejm adopted amendments to the Acts on Advocature (the Bar), Legal Advisers and Public Notaries. After over two years of political tactics within the Sejm, it was finally possible to introduce greater access to legal professions. (04-JULY-05)

June 24, 2005

The new ECRI report on Poland!

On 14 June, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published its third report on Republic of Poland. The report covers the situation in the Republic of Poland between the year 2000 and 17 December 2004. (24-JUNE-05)

June 11, 2005

The illegal Equality Parade in Warsaw!

For the second consecutive year Warsaw authorities have refused to provide consent for the Equality Parade, meaning a peaceful demonstration of gays and lesbians, which was supposed to take place in Warsaw. Warsaw is buzzing with discussion about the legitimacy of this decision. The organizers announce that the demonstration will be held anyhow, as an expression of civil disobedience towards the authorities’ discriminating decision. (11-JUNE-05)

June 4, 2005

Polish NGO’s as “amicus curiae” in the ECHR in Strasbourg!

On Thursday June 2nd, two Polish non-government organizations – the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Polish Federation for Woman and Family Planning approached the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) with a motion to participate as “amicus curiae” in the case of Alicja T. versus Republic of Poland. (04-JUNE-05)

May 23, 2005

Letter regarding the massacre that took place in Uzbekistan

Letter to the Prime Minister – Mr. Marek Belka, regarding the massacre that took place in the city of Andijan in the Republic of Uzbekistan. (23-MAY-05)

May 20, 2005

The most famous Tibetan prisoner in Poland!

Ngawang Sangdrol – a Tibetan Buddhist nun and former political prisoner – made a visit to Republic of Poland. She came at the invitation of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights to give testimony to the current situation in Tibet and to appeal for assistance for her country. (20-MAY-05)

May 13, 2005

Reverend Terasawa in Poland!

At 6 p.m. on Wednesday 11th May, a meeting with Reverend Terasawa, the Buddhist monk of the Nipponzan Myohoji order working in support of world peace, took place at the headquarters of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. (13-MAY-05)

May 6, 2005

The 14th March of the Living in Auschwitz

On Thursday 5 May, youth from many countries worldwide – mainly from Israel and Republic of Poland, as well as representatives of 50 states took part in already the 14th March of the Living. The Marches take place on the Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust (Jom HaShoah) within the grounds of the former concentration camp in Auschwitz and are supposed to remind us of the Holocaust victims. (06-MAY-05)

April 29, 2005

The New report on the state of human rights observance in Poland!

Since Wednesday, a report is available on the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights website ( ) concerning the state of human rights observance in the Republic of Poland in 2004. The report was prepared for the European Commission by the President of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Marek Antoni Nowicki – the European Union’s expert on Fundamental Rights Issues. (29-APR-05)