Human Rights in Film for the 5th time in Warsaw!
5th International Film Festival “Human Rights in Film” organised by Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights took place in Warsaw between December 9th and 17th, 2005. This year’s festival program, just as in previous years, consisted of documentary films and reportages. The main themes were Bielarus, Ukraine, Russia; human rights defenders; Sub-saharan Africa; the right to fair trial; Bosnia: 10 years after Srebrenica; Iraq; Kurds; the right to work and genocide. (23-DEC-05)
Another assembly of Graduates of the Human Rights School
On 2 – 4 December 2005, already for the sixteenth time, an assembly was held in Warsaw for the Graduates of the Human Rights School, organised by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. (17-DEC-05)
IHF Recognition Award for Yevgeniy Zhovtis!
18 November 2005 International Helsinki Federation (IHF) during its annual meeting of all members distinguished Yevgeniy Zhovtis the 2005 IHF Recognition Award. In previous years Yuri Schmidt, Catherine Fitzpatrick, Talib Yakubov, the Human rights group Memorial (Nazran) and the Society of Russian-Chechen Friendship received the award. (02-DEC-05)
Declaration of the Helsinki Committee in Poland and the members of the Board of the HFHR regarding t
“We feel an obligation to remind the authorities and the public opinion that free civil debate, devoid of censorship, in which everyone can participate under equal rights presenting their argumentation and views for public judgment, is the foundation of democracy. The language of these debates consists in, among others, demonstrations, meetings and marches.” (26-NOV-05)
Human Rights Monitoring Manual now available in Spanish!
The Human Rights Monitoring Manual by Marek Nowicki and Zuzanna Fialova was translated to and published in Spanish. The publication was the result of the cooperation between Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) and Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, Costa Rica. (18-NOV-05)
Poland signed the revised European Social Charter!
On 25 October in Strasbourg, ambassador Piotr Switalski – a representative of the Polish government at the Council of Europe – signed the revised European Social Charter. Now this document must be ratified by the Polish parliament. (11-NOV-05)
A sentencing verdict for anti-semitic statements in Poland
On 28 October, Leszek Bubel was sentenced for making anti-Semitic statements. In a rare verdict, the District Court in Warsaw ruled that Bubel committed a crime by insulting the Jewish nation in his statement. (29-OCT-05)
First verdict in Poland on compensation for “wrongful birth”
On 13 October 2005, the Supreme Court in Warsaw issued – for the first time – a verdict on compensation for so called “wrongful birth”. The Court considered an extraordinary appeal of Mr and Mrs Wojnarowski (drawn up by lawyers cooperating with the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights) and returned the case for re-consideration by the Court of Appeals in Bialystok. (24-OCT-05)
New Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe
On 5th October 2005, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe elected new Commissioner for Human Rights – Mr Thomas Hammarberg who won the most votes in the second round, defeating two other candidates: Mr Marek Antoni Nowicki – President of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, and Marc Verwilghen – Belgian minister of economy and power industry. (14-OCT-05)