Open letter to Prime Minister of Poland
Open letter by the HFHR Board regarding “secret prisons” to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (03-MAR-06)
The festival in Lublin has been called off!
The Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) has decided to call off the 4thTraveling Film Festival “Human Rights in Film” in Lublin, scheduled for 22 – 26 February 2006. This was due to the fact that the Chancellor of the Marie Curie-Sk³odowska University (UMCS) issued a ban on the presentation of the exhibition “T-shirt for Freedom”, which was planned as a supporting event by the local organizers of the festival. (24-FEB-06)
Minsk and Warsaw – A common cause
On 16 February demonstrations of support for democratic transformation in the Republic of Belarus were held once again in most cities throughout Republic of Poland. The campaigns were organized by Polish non-governmental organizations. Their participants called on the president of Republic of Belarus to ensure that the elections scheduled for 19 March are free and democratic. (24-FEB-06)
Appeal to the governing bodies
Since 3 February the Board of the Association Initiative 33 and the members of the editorial staff of the magazine “Kontrateksty” have been collecting signatures under an appeal to the governing bodies for moderation and caution in making political changes and amendments to legal regulations. The appeal results from the concern caused by the policy performed by the authorities chosen during the fall parliamentary and presidential elections. (10-FEB-06)
The Polish Parliament has elected a new Ombudsman
On 27 January 2006 the Polish Sejm elected Doctor of Law Janusz Kochanowski to the post of Ombudsman. The Sejm’s decision has already been approved by the Senate and the new Ombudsman will take office after being sworn in. (03-FEB-06)
HFHR as the amicus curiae before the Constitutional Tribunal
On 16 January, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights as the first non-government organization appeared as amicus curiae (friend of the court’) in a trail held before the Constitutional Tribunal. During the hearing of the constitutional complaint filed by Tomasz D. the HFHR was represented by Professor Andrzej Rzeplinski, see picture. (20-JAN-06)
A new HFHR Programme is about to begin!
The I edition of the Refugee and Migration Law Clinic organised by the Helsinski Foundation for Human Rights will begin on 1 March. Recruitment for the clinic will be held until the end of February. (14-JAN-06)
Photos of Nick Danziger in Warsaw!
From 15th December there is an opportunity to see at the Dom Kultury Srodmiescie Nick Danziger’s photography exhibition CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE. (29-DEC-05)
4th International Advanced Course on Human Rights
The 2nd session of the 4th International Advanced Course on Human Rights, organized by Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, was completed on 10 December. 48 people from countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States participated in the course. (29-DEC-05)