

May 12, 2006

Roma and Travellers in Public Education

On 4 May 2006 The European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) published a report entitled “Roma and Travellers in Public Education”, which deals with the education of Roma residing in all European Union countries. The fragments devoted to Republic of Poland were written based on the information provided by the National Focal Points RAXEN Network. Agnieszka Mikulska, right, played a key part in the process. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights is the National Focal Point in the Republic of Poland. (12-MAY-06)

April 28, 2006

Anti-Semitic broadcast in Catholic radio

On March 27, Radio Maryja broadcast an editorial by Stanislaw Michalkiewicz regarding the claims of Jewish organizations against the Polish government concerning the inheritance property of Holocaust victims. (28-APR-06)

April 22, 2006

New HFHR report!

On 11 April 2006 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights published a report devoted to the problem of preventing torture at Polish closed institutions. This report constitutes a summary of a three-year program financed by the European Commission and performed simultaneously in six countries by six national Helsinki Committees (Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Republic of Poland, the Russian Federation, Serbia/Montenegro and Hungary). (22-APR-06)

April 8, 2006

Questionable psychiatric examinations

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights stood up for Hanna Rozanska – a woman directed for psychiatric examinations at a closed ward. The Foundation’s lawyers lodged a complaint to the Constitutional Tribunal against the imprecise regulations of the Code of Penal Proceedings. (08-APR-06)

March 24, 2006

Statement of the Helsinki Committee in Poland

“Bitter accusations and moral blackmail directed at people that hold different opinions, the embarrassing battles waged  through the use of investigative committees, claims to having a monopoly on the truth and moral authority – these are the phenomena that have escalated during the recent months and are the cause of our serious concern. An atmosphere is being created that is conducive to the violation of basic rights” warnes Helsinki Committee in Poland. (24-MAR-06)

March 17, 2006

The new US Department of State report on Poland

On 8 March the US Department of State published a report concerning the observance of human rights in the Republic of Poland in 2005. According to this report Republic of Poland is a country in which civil rights are generally being observed, there are however certain areas, in which violations do occur. (17-MAR-06)

March 10, 2006

HFHR speaks out in defence of refugees from Chechnya

Letter by the HFHR Board regarding refugees from the Chechen Republic to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (10-MAR-06)

March 3, 2006

Open letter to Prime Minister of Poland

Open letter by the HFHR Board regarding “secret prisons” to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers (03-MAR-06)

February 24, 2006

The festival in Lublin has been called off!

The Board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) has decided to call off the 4thTraveling Film Festival “Human Rights in Film” in Lublin, scheduled for 22 – 26 February 2006. This was due to the fact that the Chancellor of the Marie Curie-Sk³odowska University (UMCS) issued a ban on the presentation of the exhibition “T-shirt for Freedom”, which was planned as a supporting event by the local organizers of the festival. (24-FEB-06)