ECRI Seminar “Combating racism while respecting freedom of expression”
On 16 – 17 November, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance organized an expert seminar devoted to the exchange of views on the topic of: combating racism (hate speech) while respecting freedom of expression. Halina Bortnowska participated in the seminar as the representative of the informal group “Viridarium”, operating alongside the HFHR. (24-NOV-06)
Seminar on court monitoring
A seminar devoted to the observation (monitoring) of court hearings was held on 10 November 2006 within the confines of the program: “Court monitoring as a method for activation of students of law and economics in the Republic of Poland and other Central-Eastern European and former CIS countries”. Leaders of nongovernmental organizations from Slovakia, Bulgaria, Moldova, the Ukraine and Romania were the seminar’s participants. (11-NOV-06)
Is the Ukrainian minority in Poland under threat?
Two events directed against the Ukrainian minority in the Republic of Poland took place at the end of October. They caused alarm within the Ukrainian community. The expert Dorota Hall (right) from the Helsinki Foundation, says “that the situation is serious and arouses concern”. However, she awaitens the response from the authorities before passing judgments regarding the deterioration of the situation surrounding the Ukrainian minority in the Republic of Poland. (03-NOV-06)
A new series of Viridarium meetings
On 4 October 2006, Viridarium – the action group against anti-Semitism and xenophobia – began a new series of meetings intended to recognize diversity, reinforce dialogue and consolidate remembrance and knowledge about others. (20-OCT-06)
Letter to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Poland
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has sent the letter to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Poland encouraging a full and prompt investigation of the circumstances surrounding the death of Anna Politkovskaya as well as punishment of not only the perpetrators but also those standing behind them. (13-OCT-06)
Civil monitoring of candidates for judges
A joint project of three Polish non-governmental organizations was launched on 4 October entitled “Civil Monitoring of Candidates for Judges”. The program’s objective is to enable the civil society’s participation in a debate regarding candidates for the positions of judges at courts and tribunals of the highest instance. (06-OCT-06)
The Position of Polish NGOs regarding recent statements by state high officials against the Judiciar
“It is with growing unease that we have noted statements by the highest state authorities, including the Minister of Justice–Prosecutor General and the President of Republic of Poland, slighting the good name of Polish courts – the third pillar of power in a democratic state with the rule of law.” state Polish NGOs in their public statement. (22-SEP-06)
Poles protest against the defamation of Jacek Kuron!
On 29 August 2006, the daily “Zycie Warszawy” published an article, which stated a thesis that Jacek Kuron cooperated with the Secret Police in the 1980s. This article caused an avalanche of comments aimed at discrediting not only Jacek Kuron, but the entire political line that he represented. The politicians of the ruling coalition, in particular the politicians from the League of Polish Families (Liga Polskich Rodzin), have excelled at this. (08-SEP-06)
Foundations in Poland under threat!
The Polish government elaborated draft amendments to the Law on Foundations. The proposed amendments increase State control over foundations to such an extent that a question arises whether following the approval of the act in this form foundations, which are non-governmental organizations, will still remain non-governmental? (26-AUG-06)