

July 13, 2007

Jedwabne-Srebrenica, meeting in memoriam

On 9 July 2007, the Group Against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia VIRIDARIUM organized a meeting at the headquarters of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights devoted to the anniversaries of two tragic events – the manslaughter in Jedwabne (10 July 1941) and the massacre in Srebrenica (11 July 1995). The meeting was lead by Halina Bortnowska (right).(13-JUL-07)

July 9, 2007

New law on the Polish Constitutional Tribunal?

HFHR comments concern the draft submitted on 29 June 2007 by a group of “Law and Justice” party deputies. That recent proposed amendments to the Law dated 1 August 1997 on the Constitutional Tribunal (Dz.U. [Journal of Law] of 1997, No. 102, pos. 643 as later amended; hereafter the “Law”) appear in the public discourse what may have negativ impact on Tribunal´s constitutional mission.As such, HFHR deem it necessary to express its position. (9-JUL-07)

July 5, 2007

Position of Helsinki Committee in Poland

Helsinki Committee in Poland, on July 3, 2007 took a position on the stance of the Polish authorities regarding the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The HC members wrote:”The Helsinki Committee was saddened and anxious to learn that the Polish delegation at the Brussels Summit undertook initiatives clearly intended to take away from citizens in the Republic of Poland a portion of the rights that would be guaranteed under the Charter.” (05-JUL-07)

June 28, 2007

Protests of Polish nurses

From 19 to 26 June, protest of nurses and midwives was held outside and inside the Chancellery of the Prime Minister in Warsaw. The nurses demanded raises in salaries and reforms of the health service. The Trade Unions Forum judged that there had been a violation of the fundamental civil rights and freedoms of four women protesting inside the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. (28-JUNE-07)

June 25, 2007

Civil Commission of Good Will

The Civil Commission of Good Will initiated its activity on 21 June on a press conference in the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights headquarters. Its members include underground opposition activists from the period of the Polish People’s Republic, historians, lawyers as well as clergymen. The Commission wants to bring aid to individuals accused of cooperation with the secret service of the Polish People’s Republic, who have a sense of wrong and injustice in connection with the publication of information regarding their past. (25-JUNE-07)

June 20, 2007

New HFHR project!

A new Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights project entitled “Strengthening the rule of law and human rights protection in the Republic of Poland through involvement of business entities, civil society groups and individuals in strategic litigation activities” was inaugurated on 18 June during a conference that included several dozen representatives from the world of science, business, media and nongovernmental organizations. (20-JUNE-07)

June 11, 2007

President of the HFHR at the Regional Ombudsman Conference

Marek Antoni Nowicki, the President of the Helsinki Foundation for Human and former Ombudsperson in Kosovo participated in the “Regional Ombudsman Conference: Support and Obstacles to the Protection of Human Rights”, which took place on 8th and 9th June 2007 in Pristina/Kosovo. The conference brought ombudsman institutions from across southeastern Europe together with representatives of Kosovo’s local authorities, civil society groups and media. (11-JUNE-07)

May 31, 2007

Sielatycki wrongfully fired!

30 May, the Warsaw Regional Court held a hearing regarding Miroslaw Sielatycki, the former director of the National In-Teacher Training Center dismissed over Compass. The Court ruled Mr. Sielatycki was wrongfully dismissed and awarded compensation. The matter of Miroslaw Sielatycki was covered by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Strategic Litigation Program. (31-MAY-07)

May 29, 2007

Anticorruption Coalition speaks out on new bill

On 28 May 2007, the Anticorruption Coalition of NGOs (ACNGO), of which the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights is a member, took a position on the bill being drafted by the Sejm [Lower House] regarding limitations on holding public office. Coalition members decided to present their comments on the bill as it materially amends current regulations. (29-MAY-07)