

September 20, 2007

Poland blocks the European Day Against the Death Penalty

Having Poland’s veto in prospect, Portugal, which heads the EU, has abandoned plans to establish the European Day Against the Death Penalty on 10 October. The decision regarding the Day was supposed to be taken during the session of the EU Justice Council on 18 September 2007. The item was taken off the agenda at the last moment. The Portuguese side decided that a confrontation between Republic of Poland and the remaining 26 EU countries is pointless. (20-SEP-07)

September 14, 2007

‘Living Library’ for the first time in Warsaw

The ´Prom´ Foundation of Educators and Youth, the Association of Young Journalists POLIS and the Viridarium Polish Students Group against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia – one of the member organisations of the Human Rights House in Warsaw – are the authors of the educational project ´Warsaw Diversified: Youth Program aimed at Accepting Differences´ [´Warszawa Roznolita: Mlodziezowy program akceptacji roznic´]. (14-SEP-07)

September 8, 2007

Poland opposes the Day Against the Death Penalty

Republic of Poland, as the only European Union country, opposes the establishment of the Day Against the Death Penalty. Information about Poland’s position has been reported by diplomatic sources in Brussels. The idea of establishing this day was put forward by the European Commission. (08-SEP-07)

August 31, 2007

A grade in religion on the school report card

During the current school year in the Republic of Poland, the grade point average of a student participating in religion classes will include the grade from this subject. About 10% (according to the Roman Catholic Church 90% of all students from above elementary school level attend these classes) of students, e.g. grammar school students, will not have the opportunity to change (improve) their grade point average due to the lack of an alternative (e.g. ethics classes). (31-AUG-07)

August 23, 2007

Poles before the European Court of Human Rights

Poles are now seeking help in Strasbourg in nearly every domain. As regards the number of cases, we are in second place, just behind the Russian Federation. Citizens most often complain about excessive duration of remand and proceedings that go on for years. In recent years, the number of complaints has risen: from 66 in 2004 to 256 in 2006. (23-AUG-07)

August 16, 2007

Refugee status for Iraqis cooperating with Polish armed forces?

Recently, you might have read in the Polish press that the authorities of Denmark, which soon plans to withdraw its troops stationing in Iraq, have brought home around 60 Iraqi interpreters and other workers employed by the Danish armed forces in Iraq, along with their families. Most of these people are to receive refugee status in Denmark. (16-AUG-07)

August 8, 2007

Secret CIA prisons in Poland?

On 7 August 2007 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights addressed to the Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski an open letter regarding the issue of serious allegations made against Republic of Poland concerning its involvement in a network of secret CIA prisons in Europe. The Foundation is deeply concerned by the Polish government´s inappropriate position towards that problem. (08-AUG-07)

August 2, 2007

Problem of mandatory psychiatric observations

On 30 July 2007, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights Precedent Case Program organized a debate on the need to amend the criminal code of procedure provisions concerning mandatory psychiatric observation of criminal defendants as part of criminal proceedings. (02-AUG-07)

July 28, 2007

Discussion over the statutory template for the lustration declaration

On 11 May 2007, the Constitutional Tribunal in the Republic of Poland ruled the partial inconsistency of the new lustration law with the Constitution. On 18 June, a written justification of this verdict was published, in which the CT inter alia called into question the statutory template for the lustration declaration. On 13 July, the Ombudsman – Janusz Kochanowski (right) took position on this issue. (28-JUL-07)