

January 28, 2008

President of Poland refuses to appoint 9 persons for the position of judges

On January 25, 2008 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights addressed to Mr. Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe and to Mr. Jose Manuel Barosso, President of the European Commission, letters regarding refusal of the President of Republic of Poland to appoint 9 persons for the position of judges in Polish courts. The point is that alI the persons concerned followed the process af judicial appointments established by the relevant law and fulfilled all the pre-conditions required for the respective positions.(28-JAN-08)

January 24, 2008

Marek Antoni Nowicki – President of the Human Rights Advisory Panel

During the January session of the Human Rights Advisory Panel – a special body competent for considering the complaints of citizens against human rights violations by the UN international administration in Kosovo – Marek Antoni Nowicki, the president of the Board of HFHR, was chosen as its President.(24-JAN-08)

January 18, 2008

Statement of the Helsinki Commttee in Poland

The Regional Prosecutor´s Office in Cracow has undertaken verifying proceedings connected with the publication of the book by Jan Tomasz Gross entitled “Fear”. Prosecutor wants to examine whether the book´s author committed the crime of unjustly accusing the Polish Nation of participation, organization and responsibility for Communist or Nazi crimes (Article 132a of the Penal Code). The Helsinki Committee appeals to state authorities for restraint in taking actions the problem of article 132a is considered by the Constitutional Tribunal. ( 18-JAN-08)

January 14, 2008

Employers monitor employees

Two out of three employers in the Republic of Poland check their subordinates’ e-mail correspondence and monitor their computers. It often occurs that employers check their employees’ sobriety each day using a breathalyzer, and not only when circumstances indicate such a necessity. At the same time, very few of them inform employees about the methods of monitoring their work.(14-JAN-08)

January 4, 2008

The ECHR questions Poland because of pre-trial detentions

The European Court of Human Rights intends to thoroughly examine the problem of applying pre-trial detention in the Republic of Poland. The Court approached the government inquiring whether it is true that a “system of groundless excessive detention of individuals suspected of committing a crime” is commonly applied in the Republic of Poland. This case is unprecedented, as until now the Strasbourg Court has never approached a state with an inquiry regarding the entirety of an issue. (04-JAN-08)

December 18, 2007

WATCH DOCS 2007 – prizes

The closing ceremony of the 7th International Film Festival WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film took place at the Muranów cinema on 16 December 2007. As the best film, the festival’s audience selected the Israeli documentary “Bridge over the Wadi”, directed by Barak Heymann and Tomer Heymann, about a joint Israeli-Arab elementary school. Director Barak Heymann collected the award on Sunday.(18-DEC-07)

December 10, 2007

7th International Watch Docs Film Festival

The 7th International Film Festival Watch Docs – Human Rights in Film is currently taking place in Warsaw. The festival is organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Public Film Institute and the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art. The best documentaries from around the world, which use an interesting and original form to deliver contents associated with human rights tactics, will be presented during the festival that will last from 7 to 16 December.( 10-DEC-07)

December 5, 2007

Hyde Park in Warsaw

The Warsaw City Council decided that Hyde Park – a place where it will be possible to organize an assembly without informing the capital’s president in advance and without the need to receive many permits – will be set up in front of the Palace of Culture and Science (right). It is the first place like that in the Republic of Poland. Opening ceremony will take place on December 12, 2007. (05-DEC-07)

December 1, 2007

Lecture pro memoriam Marek Nowicki

A lecture by Judge Aharon Barak (right), former President of the Israeli Supreme Court, entitled “In Search of Common Sense – Proportionality and Balancing Interests in Constitutional Adjudication” was held on 30 November 2007 in the Adam Mickiewicz assembly hall at Warsaw University’s Auditorium Maximum.  (01-DEC-07)