

October 9, 2009

Marek Edelman passed away on 2 October 2009

Marek Edelman was member of Helsinki Committee in Poland, a Jewish-Polish political and social activist and cardiologist. Before his death he was the last surviving leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

October 8, 2009

Discrimination in independent occupations and professions

In Polish law there is in force a prohibition of discrimination in employment being a consequence of the constitutional rule of equality and a result of an implementation of EU directives. It is mostly applied to „classic” employment relationship (the employer and the employee). Article 16 of the Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation provides that this rule should be applied also to independent occupations and professions.

October 1, 2009

BURMA: political prisoners and labour camps

On 24 September 2009 The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights hosted a meeting with Antoni Słodkowski, who gave a lecture entitled “BURMA: political prisoners and labour camps”. The meeting was organized by the Viridairium.

September 30, 2009

Search of premises in criminal proceedings

On 2 September 2009 Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights directed a letter to the Ministry of Justice concerning the compatibility of search of premises in criminal proceedings with European Convention of Human Rights. The doubts concerning compliance this regulation with the Convention rose as a consequence of judgement Rachwalski and Ferenc v. Republic of Poland (application no. 47709/99).

September 23, 2009

The properties acquired for public road purposes: seeking compensation in Strasburg?

During the Communist rule in the Republic of Poland, an administrative mechanism of property acquisition was put in place. It allowed the state to take over private properties located in the areas designated for construction of public roads without any particular statutory or contractual basis. In law, private owners still retained the title to such properties yet in fact the land was held by the state.

September 23, 2009

Addressing pressure on Human Rights Defenders in Caucasus

Human Rights House Network and the Observatory are organising a side event in Warsaw entitled “Addressing pressure on Human Rights Defenders in the Caucasus”.

September 23, 2009

HRHN at OSCE Human Dimension Implementation meeting

Human Rights House Network representatives participate at the OSCE Human Implementation meeting in Warsaw, Poland.

September 19, 2009

Jamrozy and Kauczor cases – pre-trial detention as a structural problem in Poland

On 15 September 2009 the European Court of Human Rights passed a judgement in the case of Jamrozy v. Republic of Poland (application no. 6093/04) concerning the extensive length of pre-trial detention. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights presented third-party comments on the case.

September 18, 2009

Freedom of assembly from the cyclist’s perspective

For about twenty years, gatherings of cyclist enthusiasts or ‘Critical Masses’ have been held all over the world to direct public attention to the bikers’ presence on roads. In the Republic of Poland, the movement is quite vigorous.