

December 6, 2010

FRA’s report on the discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity

On November 30 2010, FRA presented a report entitled “Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity – 2010 Update” to the members of the European Parliament. According to the report in some of the Member States the level of protection has improved – due to both legal developments and the changes in practice, while there are still countries where the rights of LGBT persons are limited or neglected.

December 3, 2010

Civic Monitoring of Candidates of Judges of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal

Coalition of three Polish NGOs: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka), Inpris (Inpris Instytut Prawa i Społeczeństwa) and Polish Section of The International Commission of Jurists (Polska Sekcja Międzynarodowej Komisji Prawników) monitors the elections of judges of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal.

November 29, 2010

HFHR seeks support for its campaign against journalists’ surveillance

For several years now, public opinion in the Republic of Poland has been confronted with unlawful use of operational techniques by special services. The matter was publicized especially with respect to surveillance of the media representatives. Contradicting basic principles of democracy, including freedom of the media, the matter has become of great concern to the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

November 29, 2010

Poznań Equality March Observation Report

The Equality March entitled “Equal rights are not the privileges”, being a part of 7th Day of Equality and Tolerance, took place on 20 November 2010 in Poznań, Republic of Poland with the participation of approximately 300 people. The march was preceded by the contrmanifestation. Six observers of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights were present on the request of the Police.

November 23, 2010

Public prosecutor is also responsible

Trade Union of Public Prosecutors and Prosecutor’s Office Employees in the Republic of Poland demands the salaries of similar amount to those of the “old” European Union countries. Due to this occurrence, Civil Development Forum Foundation together with Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, present a report by Karolina Kremens and Artur Pietryka entitled “Public prosecutor’s professional responsibility”.

November 22, 2010

Poland has not ratified the Biomedical Convention

Republic of Poland still has not ratified the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, although it signed this document already in 1999. What is important, in the Republic of Poland there is lack of appropriate provisions that would regulate the issues that arise in the relationship among medicine, ethics and law.

November 17, 2010

Sixth Marek Nowicki Memorial Lecture

The Marek Nowicki Memorial Lectures is an event organized every year in Budapest and Warsaw. This year in November 2010 the lecture was delivered by Juan E. Méndez and was dedicated respectively to the following issues: “Transitional Justice, Peace and Prevention” and “Recent Trends in Transitional Justice”.

November 15, 2010

Amnesty International: European governments must provide justice for victims of CIA programs

Amnesty International has called on European governments to provide justice for the victims of the CIA’s unlawful rendition and secret detention programmes which led to the enforced disappearance, torture and ill-treatment of a number of people.

November 9, 2010

European Day against the Death Penalty

Although Republic of Poland is free from the death penalty, the majority of Polish citizens want this penalty back. To change this situation and to help Abolitionists elsewhere, especially in the Republic of Belarus, the informal group “Horizon – against the Death Penalty” together with partners – the Information Office of the Council of Europe in the Republic of Poland, Amnesty International and others – organized the celebration of the European Day Against the Death Penalty (10th of October).