How and who do the tax authorities control?
In response to its motion for access to public information, the Foundation received an internal document of the Ministry of Finance setting out the principles of tax control over excessive income obtained from disclosed sources or income generated from undisclosed sources.
CBA infringed personal interests of a journalist by accessing his phone records
The Circuit Court in Warsaw decided the case brought by the journalist Bogdan Wróblewski against the head of the Central Anticorruption Bureau (CBA). The Court ruled in favour of the journalist and found that the CBA had infringed Mr Wróblewski’s right to privacy, secrecy of communication and the reporter’s privilege by acquiring and consulting his phone records.
The court allowed, the court convicted: judgment in the case of journalists from Września
A journalist and the editor-in-chief of a local newspaper were proclaimed guilty of disclosing information on closed-door court proceedings. The guilty verdict was rendered despite the fact that it was the court itself who had allowed the journalists to access the records of the proceedings to write a newspaper article.
Constitutional Tribunal proclaims the amendment to the Access to Public Information Act unconstution
The procedure employed to amend the Public Information Act fell short of the constitutional requirements for the legislative process, held the Constitutional Tribunal last week, deciding the motion brought by Poland’s President.
Professor R.Legutko ordered to apologise Wrocław secondary school students
The Circuit Court in Cracow found Prof. Legutko, a former conservative education minister, currently a member of the European Parliament, in breach of the personal interests of two Wrocław secondary school students. Mr Legutko had called them, among other things, “snots spoilt by their parents” and named their actions “a typical, infantile tantrum”.
Prosecution Service issued a statement on the alleged CIA prisons
According to the statement of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow received by the HFHR, in the course of the investigation involving the offence under article 231(1) of the Criminal Code (abuse of power) the prosecutors interviewed 62 persons and collected 20 volumes of evidence.
Rzeszów court: Musa Dogan will not be extardited to Turkey
The Circuit Court in Rzeszów ruled that the Musa Dogan’s extradition to Turkey would be inadmissible, citing the risk of torture as one of the grounds for the decision.Musa Dogan is a Turkish Kurd. In 1996 he was sentenced to harsh life imprisonment by the State Security Court in Izmir.
ECHR decided a case of Kaperzyński v. Poland
The European Court of Human Rights delivered the judgement in the case of Kaperzyński versus Poland. The case concerned a conviction for the failure to publish a correction to a press article. The Court held unanimously that the criminal liability for the failure to publish a correction violated the freedom of speech.
Homosexual refugee must return to Uganda
The Polish Council for Foreigners decided to expel a homosexual from Uganda to his home country. The Council upheld a decision of the Head of the Office for Foreigners who refused to grant the foreigner a refugee status or other type of protection. The Ugandan came to Poland in August 2009 and applied for a refugee status. He claimed that in his country of origin he had been persecuted because of his sexual orientation