

August 27, 2012

Statement on drones

The HFHR called the Minister of National Defence for explanations regarding the Poland’s military plans to purchase unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs, also known as “drones”) to be used by an independent combat unit. In May this year, Gazeta Wyborcza reported that the MND plans to acquire 41 sets of unmanned aircrafts and two sets of armed drones with similar combat capabilities to those of US Predator UCAVs used in military operations performed in locations such as Pakistan.

August 21, 2012

Standards of drafting statements of reasons in judicial decisions

The National Council of Judiciary responded to another letter of the HFHR concerning the issue of judges copying passages from justifications written in other cases. The NCJ upheld its previous position on the matter. In addition, it condemned the practice of repeating lexical, stylistic and punctuation errors in the copied passages of statements of reasons.

August 20, 2012

HFHR gives its opinion on the draft amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure

The HFHR presented the Minister of Justice with an opinion on the draft law amending the Code of Criminal Procedure, dated 5 June 2012. The project in its current shape is designed to significantly modify the essence of criminal litigation. So far, the court has played a key role in criminal evidentiary proceedings. However, the draft amendment places the burden of going forward with evidence onto the parties to the proceedings.

August 14, 2012

Year has passed since Ales Belyatsky’s arrest

4 August 2012 marked one year since the arrest of Ales Belyatsky, a Belarusian human rights activist. Ales Belyatsky was arrested after Polish and Lithuanian prosecutors had provided Belarussian authorities with details of his private bank accounts, used to receive funds for victims of political repression in Belarus. Mr Belyatsky was sentenced to four and a half years in a high-security colony and property forfeiture.

August 7, 2012

Retrial in the case of a local councillor charged with abuse of official power

The Circuit Court in Sieradz heard the appeal in the case of Adam Synowiec, a former city councillor in Zduńska Wola. In the first instance, Mr Synowiec was found guilty of abusing his official power, the offence under article 231(1) of the Criminal Code because he signed a leaflet criticising an intending senator during the election campaign. The appellate court ordered retrial.

August 6, 2012

Polish Border Guards refused entry for the gay partner of a Polish national

A Filipino national, a legal partner of a Pole under the UK law, has been refused entry to Poland by border officers. The Border Guard’s decision has been appealed against before the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw, which is expected to make a ruling. In November 2011, X.Y., a Filipino national travelling with his Polish partner, was refused entry to Poland by a Border Guard officer. He was told he was not allowed to enter Poland because the country did not recognise homosexual partnerships.

August 2, 2012

Intervention on the principles of awarding social housing to the disabled

HFHR received an appeal for help from an inhabitant of Łomża living alone in a social housing apartment. He is a physically disabled, wheelchair-bound person. The apartment he presently occupies is on the 8th floor and cannot be directly accessed by means of an elevator. Additionally, the shared toilet in the corridor is not equipped for the needs of disabled persons and does not guarantee ease of use and privacy they require.

August 1, 2012

An artist from Łódź did not overstep the boundaries of the freedom of artistic expression

The District Court for Łódź Śródmieście acquitted Krzysztof Kuszej on all counts. The artist from Łódź was charged with recording pornographic content depicting minors as well as propagation and endorsement of paedophile activities in his works which addressed the issue of paedophilia in the Catholic Church.

July 27, 2012

Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the case of Sergei Magnitsky

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed the Foundation on the measures taken to clear up the circumstances of the Sergei Magnitsky’s death. The Ministry’s letter indicated that as a result of the collaboration of the European states, including Poland, on 27 March 2012 the European Council took a position and called on Russia to not only pursue a comprehensive and thorough investigation into the death of Sergei Magnitsky but also to close the long-pending proceedings and to hold the guilty accountable for their actions.