

September 26, 2012

EP has adopted the second report on CIA counter-terrorism operations in Europe

On 11 September 2012, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on alleged transportation and illegal detention of prisoners in European countries by the CIA. The draft of the resolution was prepared by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Hélène Flautre was the Committee’s Rapporteur.

September 25, 2012

MND: Polish law is no obstacle to the purchase of drones

The Ministry of National Defence has announced its plans to purchase unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs, also known as “drones”) to be used by an independent combat unit. The MND stresses that its intention is to properly adapt the military potential of the Polish army to the type and scale of today’s security threats.

September 18, 2012

Intervention in the case of a rally held by the Pro Foundation – Right to Life

Following the arrest of Mariusz Dzierżawski, a board member of the Pro Foundation – Right to Life, the HFHR sent a letter to the President of the District Court in Słubice, questioning the legal basis for and legitimacy of Mr Dzierżawski’s arrest.

September 18, 2012

The case concerning protection of the rights of same-sex couples at the ECtHR

Polish law does not provide any possibility for same-sex couples to enter into a civil partnership. Neither does it guarantee equal access to social benefits and tax credits related to the protection of family life. For this reason, two Polish women who for the last 8 years have been in a stable same-sex relationship, complained against Poland to the ECtHR.

September 13, 2012

Polish Government presented its position in the case al-Nashiri vs. Poland

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Polish Government presented to the European Court of Human Rights its position in the case al-Nashiri vs. Poland. The Government of the Republic of Poland – pursuant to Rule 33(1) of the Rules of Court – filed a motion to limit public access to all case files on the grounds that their public disclosure could harm the interest of the pending pre-trial proceedings in Poland. The decision as to the method and scope of making the positions of the parties known to the general public will now be taken by the Court.

September 13, 2012

SAC: in Poland, secret services cannot be left unsupervised

This is the key point of the judgment pronounced by the Supreme Administrative Court in a landmark case concerning a denial of access to public information on the use of GPS devices in police surveillance. The SAC accepted all the submissions raised by the HFHR in the cassation complaint and referred the case to the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw for reconsideration.

September 4, 2012

HFHR statements regarding imposing taxes on damages awarded for excessively lengthy proceedings

The HFHR sent a letter to the Ministers of Justice and Finance and the Prosecutor General, in which it raised the issue of taxes being imposed on the sums awarded as damages under the Excessively Lengthy Proceedings Complaint Act.

September 3, 2012

HFHR’s appeals on the matter of legalising the stay of minors in Poland

The HFHR has issued yet another appeal to the Ministry of Interior urging the same to consider adding to the draft Foreigners Act a provision that would enable parents legally living in Poland to legalise the stay of their children. The direct reason for this new intervention is the case of a three-year old Vietnamese girl who could not have had her stay legalised because she was not born in Poland, despite the fact that her parents lived in Poland legally.

August 28, 2012

Draft amendment to the Prosecution Service Act – opinion of the HFHR

Works on the amendment to the Prosecution Service Act are underway. The changes proposed in the draft amendment include the dissolution of the separate military prosecution service and the establishment of a Government’s power to approve annual “fundamental considerations of criminal policy”. According to the HFHR, works on the bill should be abandoned.