

November 29, 2012

ECtHR: Poland loses the first case on access to INR’s files

The European Court of Human Rights delivered the judgment in the case of Joanna Szulc v. Poland. The ECtHR found that the right to respect for private life set out in Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated by denying the applicant access to all the security service documents concerning her deposited with the Institute of National Remembrance. This is the first case on access to INR files lost by Poland in the ECtHR.

November 23, 2012

Constitutional Tribunal: the hunting law provisions on disciplinary proceedings unconstitutional

The Constitutional Tribunal held that certain provisions of the hunting law governing disciplinary proceedings are contrary to the Constitution. The Tribunal examined the regulations that prevent a member of the Polish Hunting Association from seeking judicial review of a disciplinary board’s decision other than the termination of the membership.

November 22, 2012

ECtHR awarded compensation to a teenage girl denied access to lawful abortion

European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg published a judgement in the case of P. and S. v. Poland (application no. 57375/08). The case concerned a girl who became pregnant at the age of 14, hence as a result of a criminal act, and who was denied the right to lawful abortion.

November 16, 2012

Honorary Leader of Trust title awarded to the HFHR

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights received the Honorary Leader of Trust title awarded by the Law & Partners Foundation. The Leader of Trust recognition is the first designation in Poland presented to professional entities offering legal services and media sources and organisations operating on the market of dedicated legal services which are awarded from the perspective of clients, recipients and society.

November 14, 2012

Intervention concerning court case lists

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has addressed the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data on the issue of entering personal data in case lists displayed in courts. The HFHR requests the IGPPD to consider bringing this problem to the attention of the Minister of Justice.

November 8, 2012

Application to ECtHR in the case of Sergei Magnitsky

The Open Society Justice Initiative has submitted an application to the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of Sergei Magnitsky’s mother. Mr Magnitsky was a Russian attorney who died in prison arrested in the wake of unveiling a corruption scandal allegedly implicating high-ranking Russian officials.

November 7, 2012

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent tax returns to Belarus

According to press reports, in March 2012 the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent about 30 income tax returns to Belarusian opposition activists. The documents, mailed to Belarus, disclosed income from per diems paid during a conference in Warsaw. The reports were commented by Danuta Przywara, President of the HFHR:

October 31, 2012

ECtHR declares that coercive placement in a nursing home violates the right to liberty

The European Court of Human Rights delivered the judgment in the case of K. versus Poland. The Strasbourg Court found that the coercive placement of a legally incapacitated person in a nursing home was in violation of the right to liberty.

October 30, 2012

Supreme Court have generally upheld the acquittal of a local blogger

The Supreme Court ruled in the case of Łukasz Kasprowicz, a blogger charged with defaming Zofia Springer, the mayor of Mosina, a town located in Poznań in western Poland. In June 2011 the blogger was acquitted by the Circuit Court in Poznań. A large part of the cassation complaint lodged by the private complainant was dismissed by the SC. In the Court’s opinion the Circuit Court’s judgment was free from the inadequacies identified in the complainant’s cassation.