

February 1, 2013

Judgment in case on access to toilet facilities appealed

In 2011 Józef Głuchowski sued two bank establishments in Warsaw alleging that his personal interests had been infringed upon as the banks had denied him access to toilet facilities.In October 2009 Mr Głuchowski visited two banks located at Plac Bankowy, a busy business area in Warsaw city centre. He had to use the toilet there. For that purpose he went to the room which, according to his knowledge, was a designated toilet facility. Yet the door was locked and the room marked as ‘utility area’.

January 31, 2013

Arrest of human rights activists in Azerbaijan

In Baku, Azerbaijan’s capital, the police arrested on 26 January 2013 around 40 demonstrators who protested against the rule of President Ilham Alijew and expressed support for residents of the city of Ismayilli, whose earlier protests had been brutally dispersed.

January 24, 2013

Judge’s assistants and court personnel as an important link in the judicial decision-making process

The requirements for candidates for judge’s assistants and court personnel do not match the reality. Furthermore, it follows from the HFHR report entitled the remuneration system for judge’s assistants and court personnel is unclear and inadequate, and is coupled with unsatisfactory perspectives for promotion and professional development.

January 23, 2013

Creator of will not be punished for defaming President

The Court of Appeal in Łódź discontinued the case against the creator of the web portal with respect to the charges involving defamation of the President of Poland.

January 18, 2013

President requests constitutional review of the amendment to the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety

President Bronisław Komorowski will apply to the Constitutional Tribunal for the preventive review of the amendment to the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism, announced Krzysztof Hubert Łaszkiewicz, Secretary of State at the Presidential Chancellery during the Thursday’s press briefing.

January 16, 2013

Trial of Mosina blogger comes to an end

The Circuit Court in Poznań, re-hearing the case of Łukasz Kasprowicz, a blogger from Mosina, a town located near Poznań in western Poland, discontinued on 10 January 2013 the criminal proceedings brought against Mr Kasprowicz (case no. IV Ka 1158/12) citing negligible social harm presented by the alleged offence.

January 11, 2013

Ministry of Interior responds to a legal interpretation unfavourable to foreigners

In a letter to the HFHR, the Ministry of Interior agreed to review the practice of applying the provisions governing the status of foreigners unable to obtain a passport. According to initial communications with the Head of the Office for Foreigners, the MoI approached the issue differently than administrative organs.

January 11, 2013

Twenty years of Legal Aid for Refugees and Migrants

In November 2012, 20 years had passed since the launch of the Legal Assistance for Refugees and Migrants Programme of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Basic tasks of the Programme include providing free of charge legal advice to foreign clients seeking the HFHR’s assistance, as well as taking advocacy and litigation actions.

January 4, 2013

Report: Migration is not a crime

The current regime of guarded centres for foreigners, patterned after the military or prison regime, combined with external design and internal architecture of the facilities must be deemed oppressive, shows the report “Migration is not a crime” published by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Association for Legal Intervention.