

June 14, 2013

PAC will rule on extent of fiscal confidentiality

The HFHR has filed a complaint with the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw. The pleading concerned a decision of the Minister of Finance to deny the Foundation access to the document entitled “Responsibilities of Tax Audit Offices for 2013”. In its decision, the Minister argued that the requested document was covered by fiscal confidentiality, and as such was not subject to disclosure under the Access to Public Information Act.

June 14, 2013

Successful intervention in title defect case

Mr Łukasz Gorek of Greenberg Traurig Grzesiak sp.k., a pro bono lawyer representing HFHR clients, the spouses D., skilfully negotiated a settlement with the municipality of Kowale Oleckie which agreed to execute a notarial deed, effectively repurchasing a property earlier sold to D.

June 6, 2013

Coalition for Equal Opportunities about draft amendment to Equality Act

In 2010 the Equality Act was adopted to implement certain EU laws in the area of equal treatment. From the beginning, the new legislation was met with reservations by non-governmental organisations. This week the Sejm will debate on the draft amendment to the act proposed by deputies. The Coalition for Equal Opportunities, including the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, presented its position on the issue.

June 6, 2013

HFHR lawyer awarded

Dominika Bychawska-Siniarska, director of the Observatory of Media Freedom in Poland has been awarded the Article 54 Journalists’ Prize by the Polish Journalists Association. Article 54 of Poland’s Constitution stipulates that “The freedom to express opinions, to acquire and to disseminate information shall be ensured to everyone. Preventive censorship of the means of social communication and the licensing of the press shall be prohibited”.

May 29, 2013

HFHR comments visit of Polish parliamentary leaders in China on 4 June

According to a media report, later confirmed by parliamentary sources, a delegation of the Sejm, the lower chamber of the Poland’s Parliament, is to pay an official visit to the People’s Republic of China and meet representatives of the ruling Communist Party on 4 June, the date marking an anniversary of the bloody crackdown of pro-democratic demonstrations in Beijing as well as the Polish “Freedom Day”, or the country’s first partially free elections. Both events took place in the same, memorable 1989 year.

May 29, 2013

Circuit Court dismissed appeal of journalists with local weekly

The Circuit Court in Poznań dismissed the appeal of two journalists working for the Wiadomości Wrzesińskie weekly, brought against the judgment of a Poznań District Court in the case of disclosure of secret information. The appellate court upheld the first instance decision to conditionally dismiss the criminal proceedings instituted against the defendants and set the 12-month probation period. The journalists were also ordered to pay the costs of the proceedings. The judgement is final.

May 22, 2013

Intervention concerning discrimination in access to employment in the Police

The HFHR has addressed the Human Rights Defender with a formal intervention regarding limited access to public services due to the candidate’s past health issues. The intervention concerns a 37-year old man with a history of cardiovascular health condition. The person was ascribed to category “E” by a conscript medical evaluation committee (long-term and complete inability to serve in the army in the time of peace, call-up and war).

May 21, 2013

13th WATCH DOCS film submission open

We have the pleasure to announce that the 13th International Film Festival WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film now accepts submissions of films. The festival will take place on 6-12 December 2013. The deadline for submitting films is 5 August 2013.

May 16, 2013

The Act on the restitution of property left beyond the Bug river and European law

The Supreme Administrative Court will refer to the European Court of Justice a question for a preliminary ruling in the case of the Teisseyre family, heirs to a pre-war owner of assets in Lwow, a major city in then-eastern Poland.