HFHR asks about PRISM
Recently uncovered information about the US “PRISM” programme revealed that the scheme may also have targeted Polish nationals. The HFHR has expressed its concern over these disturbing reports and has sent written statements to the Sejm committees, the Minister of Administration and Digitisation, and the Minister of Interior, asking about what action has been taken to protect the privacy of Polish citizens on the Internet.
Article 212 case against Tygodnik Podhalański conditionally dismissed by the court
The charges were brought in the aftermath of a controversy surrounding the article “ABC milionera” (Millionaire’s ABC) published in “Tygodnik” in September 2009. Authors of the article, Paweł Pełka, Rafał Gratkowski and the paper’s editor-in-chief Beata Zalot, quoted a letter sent by a reader of the magazine who accused the businessman, a former mayor of Zakopane, of using unfair commercial practices in real property purchases.
ECtHR: refusal to publish advertisement does not violate freedom of speech
In JUly, the Strasbourg Court proclaimed judgement in the case of Remuszko v. Poland. The ruling concerned the freedom of speech aspect of the relations between advertisers and press publishers. The ECtHR held that Poland had not violated the European Convention on Human Rights.
Court: journalist writing about Augustów Roundup responsible for violation of personal interests
In early July 2013 the Court of Appeal in Białystok decided the case brought by S.W. against Alicja Maciejowska and the Institute of National Remembrance in Białystok, alleging a violation of personal interests.
Government to ratify Protocols abolishing death penalty
In July, the first reading of the government-sponsored bills on the President’s consent to the ratification of two Protocols completely abolishing the death penalty took place. The bills concern the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Protocol 13 to the European Convention on Human Rights which forbids the death penalty, even in times of war.
Defamation trial to set limits of freedom of online expression
A trial of Witold K., charged with defamation of his former employer, was launched in the District Court in Bydgoszcz. On one of the websites the defendant described his company as a “Polish labour camp”. The K.’s former workplace is a supported employment enterprise. On commencing his employment Witold K. was classified as having a mild level of disability. According to the defendant the company violated a number of labour laws.
Statement on exclusion of rehabilitation equipment from judicial enforcement proceedings
Under Polish law, rehabilitation equipment is not excluded from collection proceedings conducted by court enforcement officers. The Code of Civil Procedure contains an exhaustive list of movables which cannot be made subject to judicial enforcement. Rehabilitation equipment is not included in the list.
HFHR statement in Edward Snowden’s case
The media report that Edward Snowden, a former employee of the United States National Security Agency (NSA), has leaked information about the authorities’ involvement in the surveillance of US citizens and foreigners. Consequently, the US government has accused Mr Snowden of espionage.
New Convention Protocol open to signature
As from 24 June, state members of the Council of Europe may sign the new, already fifteenth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights. One of the modifications to be introduced by the new Protocol is a new time limit for lodging an application to the Strasbourg Court, which will be shortened from six to four months.