

September 18, 2013

How to be a refugee in Poland. New guides prepared by HFHR lawyers

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has issued two guides developed as part of the Legal Assistance Programme for Refugees and Migrants. The initiative has been financed from the European Refugee Fund and the state budget.

September 12, 2013

HFHR the NGO of the year 2012

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights receives the Non Governmental Organisation of the year 2012 prize of the Economic Forum In Krynica.The Chair of the Board, Danuta Przywara, on behalf of the organisation, accepted the award from Vice-Marshall of the Polish Sejm, Cezary Grabarczyk.

September 11, 2013

Jerzy Zimowski Prize for Danuta Przywara

Danuta Przywara, chief of the board of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights received yesterday the Jerzy Zimowski Prize. Danuta Przywara is a sociologist, working for the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights from its very beginning, initially, as a memeber of the Founders’ Committee, subsequently, as a Secretary of the Board, Deputy Chair of the Board, and from 2008 as a Chair of the Board.

September 5, 2013

Human rights activist arrested in Bangladesh: letter to Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has written an official letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requesting the Ministry to initiate a diplomatic intervention concerning the arrest of a human rights defender in Bangladesh, Adilur Rahman Khan.

September 4, 2013

Amendments to the Constitution of Azerbaijan and democratic rules. Legal opinion

Human Rights Club of Azerbaijan and the Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights on 10 August 2013 present the legal opinion on presidential elections in Azerbaijan. The opinion has been prepared by distinguished constitutional law scholar Professor Wojciech Sadurski.

August 21, 2013

Unjustly arrested police officer awarded PLN 59,500

The Warsaw’s Court of Appeal has just ruled in the case of Wiesław Rutkowski. Mr Rutkowski, who launched the proceedings in September 2012, is a former police officer seeking to be compensated by the State Treasury for his moral and financial losses sustained during his undoubtedly unjust pre-trial detention. The Court of Appeal awarded the ex-officer PLN 59,500 as compensation for moral loss. The court’s judgment is final.

August 21, 2013

Prison governor inquired about outbreak of salmonellosis

Two inmates of the Barczewo prison have contacted the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights asking us to intervene. In their letters they warned against an outbreak of salmonellosis in their prison.

August 14, 2013

International Day of Solidarity with the Civil Society of Belarus

4 August is the second anniversary of the arrest of Ales Belyatsky, a Belarusian political prisoner, human rights defender and head of the Human Rights Centre “Vesna”. In many countries this date marks the day of solidarity with the civil society of Belarus and the country’s human rights movement.

August 14, 2013

Statement regarding pain medication sent to the Minister of Health

The HFHR has asked the Minister of Health, Bartosz Arłukowicz, to look into the practices of patient pain management by Polish doctors.The recently published press articles (including, the publications in Duży Format and Polityka weekly magazines) show that doctors very rarely and, if so, reluctantly, prescribe potent painkilling drugs to non-terminal patients.