

May 30, 2014

“Still Behind Bars” – report on monitoring of guarded centres for foreigners

Since 2012, guarded centres for foreigners have undergone visible changes, including the relaxation of the regime. Nevertheless, many things still need to be improved, reads the report “Still Behind Bars” published by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Association for Legal Intervention.

May 22, 2014

Draft abolishing incapacitation – HFHR’s comments

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has presented its comments to the draft premises of a law whose primary objective is to abolish legal incapacitation. The draft aims to replace incapacitation with a system of subsidiary custody, adjusted to the individual needs of a person experiencing difficulties with exercising their capacity to perform acts in law.

May 21, 2014

HRD and anti-discrimination education – HFHR open letter

“Speaking on behalf of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, I would like to express our concern over the hostile behaviour of certain media outlets towards the Human Rights Defender, Professor Irena Lipowicz which was a reaction to her letter to the Minister of National Education regarding anti-discrimination education in pre-schools”, reads the open letter signed by HFHR’s President, Danuta Przywara.

May 20, 2014

Releasing information on a refugee violates Geneva Convention

According to media reports, Vietnamese officials visited in April the Białystok guarded centre for foreigners. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has issued a statement in the case to the Chief Commissioner of the Border Guard. Once again, the HFHR noted that any actions of the Border Guard which result in disclosing identification data of refugee applicants may violate the applicants’ rights.

May 13, 2014

Telecommunication data retention v. Constitution

Constitutional Tribunal should consider issuing a signal decision in a case involving the constitutional review of laws governing the storage of and access to telecommunication data, argues the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in a letter to the Constitutional Tribunal.

May 13, 2014

Be careful with your praise

A new blog launched by the Polish Department for Strategy and Deregulation, recently published a post praising an interactive portal on the Azerbaijani justice system. Nevertheless, the author of the post fails to mention the problems within the Azerbaijani justice system that makes Azerbaijan the weakest link among the Council of Europe member states when it comes to respecting Human Rights. The praising author fails to recognize that the latter problems will simply not disappear by launching a portal.

May 9, 2014

Amicus curiae brief in Delfi v. Estonia

The HFHR submitted an amicus curiae brief before the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Delfi AS v. Estonia. The matter revolves around a crucial contemporary problem related to the freedom of speech on the Internet, namely responsibility of website administrators for unlawful content published by other users. The brief has already been filed with the case file.

May 9, 2014

SAC: legalisation of stay necessary, based on right to family life

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) admitted the complaint of an Armenian citizen who appealed against a judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw. In the appealed ruling, the first-instance court upheld a decision of the Head of the Office for Foreigners to refuse the complainant a tolerated residence permit.

April 30, 2014

US prosecutors to disclose locations of Guantanamo inmate illegal detention and abuse

A military judge in Guantanamo has ordered US prosecutors to turn over classified information on the locations of CIA “black sites” where al-Nashiri was detained prior to his arrival at the base in 2006. According to the order, the prosecution is to provide details of the treatment al-Nashiri’s received in the facilities.