Tunisia: Human rights defenders harassed
– The situation for human rights defenders in Tunisia is extremely difficult. They are being monitored around the clock and are constantly being harassed by the authorities, says Carl Morten Iversen, Secretary General of the Norwegian PEN, who returned from Tunisia yesterday. (20-JAN-05)
Sympathy with the tsunami victims
The Norwegian Human Rights House extends its deepest sympathies to the victims of the tsunamies and earthquake in the Indian Ocean, and their friends and families. More than 150 000 persons are confirmed killed. Around two millions need food aid and around five million persons have become homeless. (06-JAN-05)
Read more (Norwegian language only)
ISHHR Statement – the Tsunami tragedy
– It is with great shock, deep sorrow and almost with a feeling that “this cannot be possible”, that we are witnessing the Tsunami tragedy, said Secretary General Nora Sveaass of the International Society of Health and Human Rights (ISHHR) about the horrific tragedy in South Asia. (30-DEC-04)
EU Guidelines an important tool, HRH says
– EU Guidelines on human rights defenders are an important tool for a stronger protection of and support to activists, says the Human Rights House Foundation (HRH). HRH participated at an EU conference last week about implementation of the Guidelines. (15-DEC-04)
-You ask such unbelievably poor questions, now reprimanded judge said
The Norwegian newspaper VG has as its front page story today that Carl Hugo Lund, the judge who conducted the proceedings against the police officer accused of involuntary manslaughter of former Norwegian Helsinki Committee employee Tomasz Wazcko, has been reprimanded for his arrogance and sarcasms in court, especially against the prosecutor. Lund’s behaviour may have affected the jurisdiction in some of his cases. (13-DEC-04)
UNHCHR supports universal membership in the Commission on Human Rights
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights , Louise Arbour, recommends universal membership to the Commission on Human Rights. – This will give ownership to the human rights agenda to all states, said Arbour, who visited the Norwegian Human Rights House on Friday. (06-DEC-04)
Concerned about Norwegian prison conditions
– Amnesty International Norway and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee want to express to you some concerns related to recent developments in Norwegian prison regulations, in particular in relation to a recent plan of measures for implementing pre-trial detention and prison punishment by The Norwegian Criminal Ward Authorities, reads a letter from the organisations to the Council of Europe. Read the letter (02-DEC-04)
Statement on defenders in Norwegian language
The statement with recommendations to governments on how to support and protect human rights defenders is now available in Norwegian language. The statement was adopted at the Human Rights House Network conference in Oslo 13-14 October, titled “Activists under attack. Defending the right to be a human rights defender.” Read more about the conference and the speeches
UNHCHR Louise Arbour visits Oslo
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, will visit the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo on Friday. The High Commissioner will meet the NGO Forum and talk about transitional justice and protection of human rights. (30-NOV-04)