

June 13, 2005

Amnesty International to host seminar on lesbian and gay rights

On 22 June, Amnesty International, Norwegian chapter’s expert group on Lesbian, Gay, Bi- and Transsexual rights will host a seminar at the Norwegian Human Rights House on how to empower the rights of gays and lesbians in Eastern Europe. Experts and activists from the region will blend with some of the key Norwegian spokespersons on these issues for what promises to be a thoughtprovoking and very timely seminar. (13-JUNE-05)

June 12, 2005

High profile Angolan human rights defender visits HRH

On 25 May, David Mendes, Director of the independent human rights organisation Maos Livres in Angola, visited the Norwegian Human Rights House and spoke to an open lunch meeting about the human rights situation in his home country Angola. Access to justice is a major problem, and leads to gross miscarriages of justice.

June 10, 2005

Uzbekistan: Human rights defenders targeted after massacre

In the wake of the joint Human Rights House Foundation and Norwegian Helsinki Committee demonstrations a couple of weeks ago against the massacres in Andijan, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee is preparing a fact-finding mission to learn more about what really happened, and the context in which this ought best to be understood. Now, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has broken the news that human rights defenders are being particularly targeted. Read HRW?s full story below. (10-JUNE-05)

June 9, 2005

If Museveni stays on, forget the peace process in the north

-Museveni is not interested in peace. For as long as he´s in power, there is little hope of having a real, genuine peace process between the government and the rebels in Northern Republic of Uganda. Our wsh is that the international donor-diplomacy community could speak out louder about this, said Jessica B. Nkuuhe of Isis-WICCE to a packed auditorium at the Norwegian Human Rights House recently. (9-JUNE-05)

May 30, 2005

‘Beyond borders’ – Ugandan artist’s workshop against HIV / Aids in Oslo

The African artist, Lillian Nabulime, will host a workshop, including a display of her powerful art, at the venue Smuget, around the corner from the Norwegian Human Rights House, Oslo, tomorrow, Tuesday 31 May. Nabulime treats the themes of HIV and Aids artistically, in both sculpture and text. She also works with women in similar workshops in her own country Republic of Uganda. (30-MAY-05)

May 30, 2005

HRH to co-host seminar on women, war and peace in Northern Uganda

On Thursday, 2 June, the Human Rights House Foundation and the Norwegian Joint Council for Africa co-host a seminar at the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo, on women, war and peace in Northern Republic of Uganda. Jessica B. Nkuuhe, the Deputy Director of Isis-WICCE, one of the organisations participating in the Human Rights House project in the Republic of Uganda, will speak, alongside many others. (30-MAY-05)

May 11, 2005

Polish immigrant given the Fritt Ord award

Last night, Professor Nina Witoszek was awarded Fritt Ords Pris for her more than two decades’ long contribution to Norwegian and international public debate, all through her valuable utilisation of the freedom of expression she left Republic of Poland in the early 80s to regain. Ever since, and through both her fictional and academic writing, she has been among the most prolific, original and interesting participants in numerous debates, especially on cultural myths and national identity. (11-MAY-05)

May 11, 2005

Union of trade unions condemns Norwegian companies’ trading with Burma

-Get out of Burma! The Norwegian Petroleum Fund’s investments in companies that are doing business in Burma must be withdrawn immediately, says deputy leader of the orwegian union of trade unuons, Finn Erik Thoresen. The messages is conveyed directly to the Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik. (11-MAY-05)

May 10, 2005

The Feminist Movement in Tunisia, 1920 – 2000

Women, and the women’s movement, have suffered severe suppression in Tunisia. Recently, Khedija Arfaoui presented a paper outlining th history of the feminist movement in Tunisia from the 1920s to 2000s at the Sixth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting in Florence and MOntecatini, Italy. HRH has had regular contact with human rights organisations in Tunisia, and is pleased to refer our readers to this and other papers from the conference. (10-MAY-05)