

November 28, 2005

– Norway should not support the demobilisation process in Colombia

Norway should not support the demobilisation process that contributes to recycling of paramilitary violators in Colombia, says Borghild T. Krokan at the Human Rights House Foundation. (28-NOV-05) (Norwegian language only)

November 23, 2005

Was God a homophobe? Ask the Salvation Army, who removes gays

The current leadership of the Norwegian section of the inernational faith-based humanitarian organisation the Salvation Army believes homosexuality contradicts the word of God. This is why, according to themselves, they have removed a gay officer from his original functions within the organisation and given him other, less public relations-oriented tasks to deal with. (23-NOV-05)

November 22, 2005

Norwegian high school secures education for Ugandan children and youth

Thanks to the unflinching initiative of Catharina Vogt, right, and students at the Steiner School in Vestfold, south west of Oslo, several Gulu based children and youth now receive funds to cover their school fees and other costs related to their education. In total, some 5770 USD have been fundraised, to be distributed among ten children and youth, in most cases for a minimum of seven years? education. (22-NOV-05)

November 22, 2005

For as long as the Burmese army uses rape as a weapon; boycott Burma

Burma has ratified UN?s Convention on the Rights of Women. Even so, the military regime still uses rape as a tactical weapon against the country?s ethnic minorities. Now, women?s organisations request an international boycott of their own country, say Moe Kham and Wah Ku Shee, right, both interns with the Norwegian Burma Committee at the Human Rights House in Oslo. (22-NOV-05)

November 15, 2005

Tunisia: Internet repression casts pall on web summit

As the World Summit on the Information Society opens today in Tunis, Tunisia continues to jail individuals for expressing their opinions on the Internet and suppress Web sites critical of the government, Human Rights Watch said in a comprehensive new report on the repression of Internet users in the Middle East and North Africa. (15-NOV-05)

November 4, 2005

Statement on the pre-election situation in Azerbaijan

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Human Rights House Foundation (Norway) and Human Rights Centre Viasna (Belarus) are deeply concerned by several recent arrests and human rights violations during the run-up to the Azerbaijani elections scheduled for November 6th.  There are strong indications that the violations are politically motivated. (04-NOV-05)

November 3, 2005

Nansen Dialogue Network introduces Applied Conflict Transformation Studies

Last month, the first ACTS (Applied Conflict Transformation Studies) started in the Balkans. ACTS programme is designed for people who want to develop skills and wider competence they need to build greater peace and justice in their own communities and countries. Participants are working in fields such as peace, human rights, and development, or looking for ways to become engaged in these, or related fields. (03-NOV-05)

October 26, 2005

Norway strengthens its support to human rights defenders internationally

The Norwegian government is making a booklet to its embassies on how to support and protect human rights defenders internationally. The Human Rights House Foundation welcomes the initiative, and asks its government to ensure adequate reporting and transparency. (26-OCT-05)

October 24, 2005

A 60th Anniversary for the UN, a 10th for Aung San Suu Kyi

Today, as the UN celebarates its 60th anniversary, and the world should have been able to mark vast advances in respect for human rights, Aung San Suu Kyi, the moral and political leader of the Burmese opposition, has been held in house arrest for a total of ten years since 1989. Even during her spells of relative freedom, she has suffered severe violations of her rights, including tight restrictions of movement. (24-OCT-05)