

March 30, 2006

Demonstration urges the Russian Federation to respect human rights

On 29 March the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo organised a demonstration with the slogan “Russia: Support human rights, don’t undermine them.” The demonstration, which was attended by some 60 people, took place in front of the Norwegian parliament where Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, right, at that moment had a meeting with the parliament’s president. (30-MAR-06)

March 27, 2006

-Play a more constructive role towards Belarus

The annual meeting of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) is deeply concerned about the critical situation for human rights in the Republic of Belarus 19 March. When thousands of demonstrators took to the streets protesting against the unfree nd manipulated elections, President Lukachenko’s regime reacted with mass arrests and violence. (27-MAR-06)

March 24, 2006

Solidarity camp established outside The Norwegian parliament

As the October Square in Minsk, where demonstrators have kept their protest vigil around the clock since the 19 March elections, was, emptied by force earlier today, a similar camp immediately took shape outside the Norwegian Parliament, in solidarity and to keep the momentum of the protests up. will be back with further news and background on the camp and its consequences. (24-MAR-06)

March 23, 2006

Coalition of NGOs urges Norway to take steps against Belarus

In a letter to Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, HRH, Norwegian PEN and the Norwegian Union of Journalists call on the Norwegian government to take all possible measures against the Belarusian authorities. The past few days Belarusian police has arrested more than 250 people that were taking part in the protest that are taking place on the October Square. Among them are several journalists. (23-MAR-06)

March 17, 2006

Norway’s human rights record far from flawless, new report concludes

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has released its annual report on the Norwegian human rights situation. -The worst violations in 2005 happened in relation to the handling of refugee cases. Once again, Norway does not act in accordance with UNHCR’s recommendations. -We are particularly concerned about the consequences for the Chechen refugees that are being returned to the Russian Federation, says deputy Secretary General Gunnar M. Karlsen, right. (17-MAR-06)

March 16, 2006

Norwegian youth voices solidarity with the Belarusian opposition

Under the name Belarus16,  a unique coalition of 15 organisations, of which 13 were youth organisations, on 16 March voiced solidarity with the opposition in the Republic of Belarus by organising a rally in the centre of Oslo. During the demonstration, people were reminded of the fact that the political situation in the Republic of Belarus, which is as close to Norway as for example Belgium, is a European problem. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kjetil Skogrand said he is doing everything he can to liberate the people of Republic of Belarus. (16-MAR-06)

March 15, 2006

HRH and Norwegian PEN condemn the beating and arresting of journalists

The Human Rights House Foundation and Norwegian PEN strongly condemn the beating and arresting of journalists that were covering the arrest of presidential candidate Aleksandr Kozulin’s on Thursday 2 March. The police actions consider a severe violation of the right that all people have to practice their profession as a journalist according to article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reads the statement (15-MARCH-06).

March 15, 2006

Suicide, a common escape from it all among Kurdish women

Every year, hundreds of Kurdish women commit suicide, most commonly by burning themselves to death, in Kurdistan. What are the reasons why so many young women chose such a painful and dramatic way to end their lives, ask freelance journalist Abdollah Hejab and Liv Kjølseth, right, of the Norwegian Council or the Rights of the Kurds. (15-MAR-06)

March 14, 2006

Halabja: 18 years after the attacks Kurds are still suffering

-I cannot sleep at night because I am suffocating. I can’t walk for long periods of time. Physicians say it cannot be cured and it is the effect of the chemical bombing. said Parwin Mohammed (56) to journalist Ismail Osman in an article published by the ‘Institute for war and peace reporting’ recently. The Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) observes the sad anniversary this week. (14-MAR-06)