

October 20, 2006

New photo evidence of shooting of Tibetan refugees

A new set of images received by the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) depicts a group of Chinese police at the scene of the shooting of the young Tibetan nun on the Nangpa Pass near the border of Nepal on September 30. The images depict police and possibly officials gathered around the body the day after the nun, 17-year old Kelsang Namtso, was shot dead by People´s Armed Police while she was crossing the pass into exile in Nepal with a large group of Tibetans including children, other nuns and monks. (20-OCT-06)

October 19, 2006

A Sakharov of our time. Anna Politkovskaya in memoriam II

When her nemesis Vladimir Putin’s face fades, and is forgotten, the legacy of Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya (1958-2006) will remain. Aage Borchgrevink, right, adviser in the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, also mourns Politkovskaya. (19-OCT-06)

October 18, 2006

Russia strangles its own independent voices

Today, the deadline ran out for several hundred international organisations wanting to continue their work in the Russian Federation. Due to new legislation, all international organisations are required to re-register annually. Out of the approximately 500 organizations affected by this law, only some 150 have managed to collect the required paperwork in time. Human Rights Watch are among those who have not.(18-OCT-06)

October 17, 2006

Police violence in memorial rally for Anna Politkovskaja

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee reports that their close colleague Jekatarina (Katja) Sokirjanskaja ended up in hospital yesterday with a smashed nose and a concussion after having been hit in the face by a policeman. The violence occurred at a memorial rally for her colleague, the assassinated journalist Anna Politkovskaja. (17-OCT-06)

October 17, 2006

Tibetan refugees shot dead by Chinese border police

The Norwegian Tibet Committee this morning distributed the link to video footage showing a group of Tibetan refugees trying to cross the border to Nepal. The episode, caught on camera by a group of international climbers, clearly shows that one of the Tibetans are shot dead, another wounded and left for dead, says Agence France Press. The Romanian tv channel Pro TV has made the link available on the internet. Watch the video here. (17-OCT-06)

October 16, 2006

Anna Politkovskaya in memoriam I

Sergei Lapin, Policeman, accused of torture in the Chechen Republic.
Prilepina and V. Minina, high rank officials Special Forces, accused of ‘disappearances’ in the Chechen Republic. Jurii Budanov, Colonel, accused of rape and murder of an 18 year old girl.
HRH-F´s Project Manager for the Russian Federation Ane Tusvik Bonde, right, mourns the loss of Anna Politkovskaya. (16-OCT-06)

October 14, 2006

Russia’s torture lab

-In the Chechen Republic, Russian policemen get accustomed to doing anything they want to prisoners, says anti-torture-campaigner Igor Kalyapin, right. -These impulses they then bring back into the Russian police and court system where torture is already a well established method. (14-OCT-06)

October 13, 2006

Student leaders arrested in Burma, sign petition for their release

27 September Min Ko Naing, right, the famous student leader from the people´s uprising in 1988, was arrested together with two other student leaders. A few days later, three more activists were detained. Below, please find the links to petitions you can sign to support the demand towards Burmese authorities to release the student leaders. (13-OCT-06)

October 10, 2006

Wilh. Wilhelmsen should stop plans in Burma

The Norwegian shipping company Wilh. Wilhelmsen is establishing a service company in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), hidden behind the name of Makara Marine Contractors. The company’s activities will mainly target the oil and gas sector, which is one of the main sources of revenue for the Burmese military regime. (10-OCT-06)