

November 22, 2007

Tibetans sentenced to lengthy prison terms for exercising their human rights

The Norwegian Tibet Committee (NTC) has alerted to its sister organisation the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy´s (TCHRD) expression of shock and condemnation over the swift and extremely harsh sentence to Ronggye A´drak, right, and three other Tibetans by Kardze Intermediate People´s Court today. NTC adds its voice to the growing number of protests. (22-NOV-07)

November 13, 2007

Democratic Voice of Burma awarded the 2007 Ossietzky prize

The board of Norwegian PEN has unanimously decided to award the 2007 Ossietzky prize to the Oslo-based radio station The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB).  The prize will be awarded at a ceremony at the Nobel Peace Center on Thursday 15. November, which is also the international Day of the Imprisoned Writer. (13-NOV-07)

November 7, 2007

Afghan female human rights defenders in Oslo

The Human Rights House Foundation visited Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in March 2007 in order to share the concept of a human rights house with local human rights defenders and their organisations. It became clear that the most vulnerable group was female human rights defenders working to improve women´s position in the Afghan society. In cooperation with the Norwegian Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Committe and FOKUS we have invited four of them to Norway. (07-NOV-07)

October 29, 2007

RKR discussion on the current tension between Turkey and Iraq

Today, 31 October at 18:00, the Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds RKR) will host an open meeting on the current military crisis between Republic of Turkey and Iraq. In addition to Vidar Birkeland, chairman of RKR´s board, representatives of both North and East Kurdistan, and also the political environment in Norway, will come to contribute to the discussion. (31-OCT-07)

September 27, 2007

-These days decide the destiny of Burma

-It is difficult to say exactly what is happening inside Burma right now, says Marte Graff Jenssen, right, of the Norwegian Burma Committee. -Lots of unverifiable rumours are coming out every hour, but one thing is certain: At the other end of the current events, neither the country itself nor the world’s way of relating to it will be the same. (27-SEP-07)

September 27, 2007

One year anniversary of Politkovskaya’s murder

On 7 October 2006, the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, right, was shot and killed outside her home in Moscow. On Sunday 7 October this year, several Norwegian human rights organisations, among them HRH F and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, both of the Human Rights House in Oslo, will observe the one year anniversary of her death with a memorial event at the Nobel Peace Centre. (27-SEP-07)

September 25, 2007

Burmese military issues threat to monks

The Norwegian Burma Comittee is following the situation closely as the Burmese military has directly threatened monks involved in protests in the country. Democratic Voice of Burma reports that the Minister for religious affairs brigadier general Thura Myint Maung warned Burma’s monks not to break Buddhist “rules and regulations”. (25-SEP-07)

September 24, 2007

Shirin Ebadi endorses the Human Rights House Network

During her recent visit to Oslo, the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi welcomed the opportunity to write a letter of endorsement to the Human Rights House Network. Her letter concludes: -I wish good luck and success for all of those who work for the Human Rights House Network and endorse their activities. The success of the HRH Network is our success. (24-SEP-07)

September 22, 2007

Seminar on the situation in different parts of Kurdistan

The Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) is currently hosting guests from different parts of Kurdistan. Thursday 27 September at 1 pm, RKR invites to a seminar at the Human Rights House in Oslo, in which these guests play key roles, all representing regions where Kurds make up significant ethnic and national minorities. (22-SEP-07)