Kurti trial – A case for retrial?
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, who has been monitoring the Albin Kurti trial with the Danish Helsinki Committee since it began in autumn 2007, published a statement today criticizing the way in which the internationalized courts in Kosovo have handled the case so far. They suggest that the concerns are so serious that a retrial may be required. (31-JAN-08)
From the ashes of the elections – can Kenya recover?
This coming Friday, HRH F co-hosts a seminar with the Norwegian Council for Africa on the current crisis in the Republic of Kenya. Four speakers who have witnessed the country-wide violence, will answer the questions ‘What is the political, humanitarian and human rights situation in the Republic of Kenya now? What are the underlying reasons for the election turmoil? Are there viable and permanent solutions to the crisis and what are the chances of reaching those?’ (23-JAN-08)
Activists marked the 6th anniversary of Guantanamo
On Friday 11 January activists from Amnesty International in Oslo lit candles opposite the American Embassy. With posters stating that “6 years are enough – close Guantanamo!” they marked the 6th anniversary of the opening of the camp. (14-JAN-08)
Tibetan film nominated to The Peace Film Award at TIFF
The Tibetan documentary ´What Remains of Us´ will be screened at Tromsø International Film Festival (TIFF). The film is also nominated to what arguably has become the festival´s most prestigeopus award, the Peace Film Award. TIFF will open next week and run from the 15th to the 20th of January. (09-JAN-08)
Tibetan writer receives freedom of expression award
The Norwegian Authors Union’s Freedom of Expression Award for 2007 has been given to Tsering Woeser. The Tibetan writer, living in the People´s Republic of China, was selected among many candidates. -We are very proud that a Tibetan writer is receiving this prestigious prize, says Chungdak Koren, chairwoman of the Norwegian Tibet Committee. (17-DEC-07)
RKR hosts weeklong conference on peace, democracy and human rights
The Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) invites everyone interested to four different seminars, all to be hosted at different venues around Oslo next week, under the joint headline ´The Oslo Conference on Peace, Democracy and Human Rights in the Middle East´. To read more about the four seminars in English, see below. For information in Norwegian, click here . (07-DEC-07)
Tell the IOC to speak up for Tibet!
The Norwegian Tibet Committee encourages everyone to sign on to the following appeal: On December 10th, the International Olympic Committee is holding an important Executive Board meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, which will include discussion of the upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympics. December 10th is also International Human Rights Day, and Tibetans and people of conscience will be taking action in Lausanne and around the world to call on the IOC to speak up for Tibet and human rights. (05-DEC-07)
Svetlana Gannusjkina receives the Sakharov Freedom Award from NHC
Svetlana Aleksejevna Gannusjkina, right, leader of the independent Russian human rights organisation Grazjdanskoje Sodestvije (Civic Assistance Committee) today received the Sakharov Freedom Award from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC). Gannusjkina also leads the IDP and refugee programme of the organisation Memorial´s human rights centre (29-NOV-08)
The cartoons controversy up for discussion once again
Thursday this week, 29 November, the Freedom of Expression Foundation, together with Norwegian PEN and Culcom, University of Oslo, host a meeting at the new Literature House on ‘Freedom of Expression and Clash Philosophy’. More specifically, the purpose of the meeting is to shed light on how the strife following in the wake of the publication of the cartoons about the Prophet unfolded in different parts of the world. (25-NOV-07)