

May 28, 2008

Dialogue with islamists

Some time ago, the Norwegian playwright Erling Kittelsen’s, right, play ‘På himmelen’ (‘On the sky’) (2000) was staged in Amman, Jordan. The title, the production and the reception / interpretation all contributed to Kittelsen and his director Bani Hani being subjected to a fatwa. Kittelsen´s response was to write about it, in Jordan, and enter into dialogue with the islamists. He achieved to have the fatwa called off. (28-MAY-08)

May 27, 2008

Aung San Suu Kyi’s house arrest extended

Today, Burmese autrhorities announced that Aung San Suu Kyi´s, right, house arrest has been renewed for another six months. -This shows the junta´s true face, says Inger Lise Husøy, Director of the Norwegian Burma Committee (NBC) . -They don´t want dialogue and they don´t want transition to democracy. On the contrary, they fear Suu Kyi´s enormous public support, adds Husøy. (27-MAY-08)

May 27, 2008

Seminar on freedom of expression in Afghanistan

In recent years, several Afghani journalists, writers, activists and publicly elected leaders have experienced serious threats. Some have been harassed to silence, others have been killed. The Norwegian Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Committee and Norwegian PEN jointly invite to a seminar that addresses the difficult working conditions for working conditions and independent media in Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Waheed Warasta, author and leader of Afghan PEN, is the keynote speaker. (27-MAY-08)

May 27, 2008

HRH F supports appeal by Russian NGOs to free political prisoners

All-Russian Nongovernmental Movement “For Human  Rights,” a coalition of Russuan NGOs, has sent an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation Mr. Dmitry Medvedev, to grant pardon to a number of Russian citizens who have fallen victim to politically motivated persecution. The letter reminds Medvedev of his repeated references to the importance for the Russian Federation to follow the principle of the rule of law. Human Rights House Foundation (HRH F) has added its name to the list of signatories. (22-MAY-08)

May 23, 2008

Burmese human rights lawyer honoured with award

A lawyer in Burma has been awarded a prestigious European human rights award in recognition of his struggle for labour rights under extremely adverse conditions. U Aye Myint, right, who has set up a legal aid group in Burma to handle cases of forced labour, illegal land confiscation and workers´ rights, was awarded the European Bar´s Ludovic-Trarieux International Human Rights Prize on 17 May 2008. (23-MAY-08)

May 21, 2008

Burmese junta pushes cyclone victims back to their ravaged villages

The National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB), constituted and endorsed by representatives elected in the 1990 elections in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), has been alerted about the expulsion of cyclone victims from towns and suburban areas and repatriated back to their deserted, cyclone devastated villages by the Burmese authorities. (21-MAY-08)

May 20, 2008

RKR condemns violations of freedom of expression in Kurdistan

The Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurds (RKR) condemns all attempts to limit freedom of expression in Kurdistan Iraq as reported by The US-located Committee to Protect Journalists in its special report entitled ‘The Other Iraq’. Civil and political human rights should be respected for all citizens, including individuals or opposing political factions within the Kurdish region, says Per Thorsdalen, right, Information Officer at RKR´s office at the HR House in Oslo. (20-MAY-08)

May 20, 2008

Kurdish prisoners suffer terrible serving conditions in Iranian prisons

Kaveh Aziz-pour, a Kurdish political prisoner, died on Friday, 16 May 16, from a brain stroke, reports Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency (INA) (16 May). Aziz-poir, who came from Mahabad, was only 25 years old. The Department of Intelligence in Islamic Republic of Iran arrested and imprisoned Aziz-pour two years ago for having connections with Kurdish opposition groups. He was hospitalized in Urumieh after suffering the stroke and underwent surgery twice in this regard. After 20 days of coma, he passed away in the morning of 16 May. (20-MAY-08)

May 20, 2008

Ban Ki-moon pledges to do utmost to speed aid efforts in Burma

As he prepared to leave for Myanmar today, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, right, said he will do all he can to reinforce the immediate relief effort in the cyclone-devastated country and will also draw attention to the need for long-term reconstruction and development. (20-MAY-08)