

August 28, 2008

Bombardment of western Afghanistan village upsets the entire community

-The bombardment by international military forces of Aziz Abad village in Shindand district of Herat province, right, has upset the whole Afghan community. The bombardment caused the death of 91 civilians, injured a much larger number and put the residents of the village into very conditions, threatening their personal, social and economic security. Thus begins a statement issued by the Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN). (28-AUG-08) 

August 26, 2008

Tibetan writer, blogger and human rights activist arrested in Lhasa

Tibet´s most famous writer and blogger Tsering Woeser, right, was accused of taking photographs of military installations and arrested by police after she returned home briefly to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, on Thursday last week, writes London-based newspaper the Times. To read the Times´s full article, click here . (26-AUG-08)

August 6, 2008

Tibet committee encourages people to join light protest

Tomorrow, the 7th of August, is the day before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing. The Norwegian Tibet Committee joins a grassroots campaign called ‘Candle for Tibet’ and urges people to light a candle in solidarity with all oppressed people in Tibet. A collective candle protest will be held in the centre of Oslo. (06-AUG-08)

July 4, 2008

Non-registered NGO facing charges in Kyrgyzstan

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s (NHC) office in Bishkek have learnt today that they face charges for “illegal activity in a non-registered NGO”. In addition two distinguished Kyrgyz human rights defenders, Tolekan Ismailova and Aziza Abdirasulova, face charges for obstruction of justice after having protested during the raid against the Norwegian Helsinki Committee on 9 June. (4-JULY-08) 

June 27, 2008

Euskal / Basque PEN awards two Kurdish journalists facing execution in Iran

Human rights defenders in many countries have expressed their appreciation over Euskal / Basque PEN´s selection of Mr. Hiwa Buimar and Mr. Adnan Hassanpour, right, for the Idazluma award for their efforts for freedom of speech in Islamic Republic of Iran and the “oppressed Kurdish language and culture”. (27-JUNE-08)

June 20, 2008

Conference: ‘Burma: The role of the international community’

In the wake of the the cyclone Nargis, right, that hit Burma on 2 May this year and, within a matter of days, caused enormous damage and suffering to millions of BUrmese, the Norwegian Burma Committee (NBK) invites to a conference addressing the role, both actual and potential, of the international community in pushing Burma´s current regime in the diretion of democratic reforms. (20-JUNE-08)

June 19, 2008

Moving tribute to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on her 63rd birthday

Some 30 members of the Burmese diaspora in Norway, joined by a contingency of Norwegian Burma activists, listened to appeals, sang and laid down yellow roses of hope at Suu Kyi´s portrait today, as part of a ceremony that appropriately took place at the Camilla Collett monument, right, in the Royal Castle Park in the heart of Oslo. 19 June is also Burmese heroines´ day. (19-JUNE-08)

June 18, 2008

Kyrgyzstan: Questioned for six hours at the Ministry of Interior

Two employees of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee´s office in Bishkek, Elena Mamadnazarova and Ivar Dale, right, were questioned at the Ministry of Interior (MVD) for six hours yesterday. The two were questioned about the activities of the office, about their legal grounds of residence in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the registration of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee´s (NHC) office. By the end of the questioning, NHC reached an agreement with the MVD. (18-JUNE-08)

June 16, 2008

HR defender hospitalized after police beating in Azerbaijan

The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) is seriously concerned about the alleged threats and beating by Azeri police last Saturday of Emin Huseynov, right, a well-known human rights defender. The gross violations followed in the wake of the police´s breaking up of a marking of Che Guevara´s 80th birthday in the Alaturka Cafe in Baku. (16-JUNE-08)