

December 11, 2008

NHC files complaint to UN

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has filed a complaint to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding actions taken by the State Committee for National Security (GKNB) in Kyrgyz Republic against the NHC Regional Representative, Ivar Dale.

December 10, 2008

Norway does not give human rights defenders the protection they need

“Norway does not provide human rights defenders the protection they need, and thus the government violates its own stated mission to support and protect human rights defenders in practice, as Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has stated in a speech in connection with today’s 60-year anniversary of the World Declaration on Human Rights,” says Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s adviser Aage Borchgrevink.

December 10, 2008

Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s employees fined in Murmansk

On Saturday, 6 December, General Secretary Bjørn Engesland and Enver Djuliman, Director of Human Rights Education, were fined for having violated Russian visa regulations. While the Russian authorities stated that this was a routine visa control, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee fears the action appends to the pattern of authorities’ ongoing efforts to prevent human rights groups from working in the Russian Federation.

December 9, 2008

Three years’ imprisonment for human rights advocate in Iranian Kurdistan

Sama Bahmani, a member of the Coalition of Human Rights Advocates in Islamic Republic of Iran, was detained on July 23, along with three teachers and civil rights activists in the Kurd part of Islamic Republic of Iran. All four were charged with efforts to prepare a report on human rights violations in the region. Right, Sanandaj, the city where they were held and allegedly mistreated and kept in solitary confinement.

November 25, 2008

Christmas meeting in the Norway-Nepal Association

The Norwegian Tibet Committee invites anyone interested to its traditional joint Christmas meeting with the Norway-Nepal Association.

November 20, 2008

ICC receives documentation of war crimes in Georgia

The Georgian Human Right Centre has handed over documentation detailing allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity during and after the armed conflict between Georgia and the Russian Federation to Mr. Matthew Brubacher, a representative of the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court. Right, Brubacher together with Simon Papuashvili, far right, of the Georgian Human Rights Centre.

November 19, 2008

-The conflict in South Ossetia could have been avoided

Even though we have had differences with South-Ossetia for a long time, we had reached a stage were our peoples did not have much differences any more. We interacted; we traded and crossed the borders back and forth. However, the differences were never solved on a political level, and for the authorities, only war was the solution, the Georgian Ombudsman Sozar Subari said at yesterday’s seminar held by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, where some 40 participants were present discussing the situation in Georgia after the war.

November 13, 2008

Chungdak Koren awarded the Ossietsky Prize

Chungdak Koren, leader of the Norwegian Tibet Committee, has been awarded Norwegian PEN’s Ossietsky Prize for her efforts to give a voice to Tibetans in Norway. Koren was vital in the establishment of the Norwegian Tibet Committee in 1989. She has also helped set up the radio station Voice of Tibet, where she remains a board member.

November 12, 2008

Global Forum on Freedom of Expression

The Global Forum is a week-long event consisting of membership meetings, open conference sessions and festival events, all dedicated to exploring and celebrating free expression.