

April 9, 2009

Kurdish politician on trial following his criticism of Prime Minister

Mahmut Alinak, former Kars province (eastern Turkey) party chair of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP), is on trial and facing a possible prison sentence, for a letter he sent Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in which he said, “You have deceived the people of Kars.”

April 9, 2009

HRHF and NHC concerned over repeated harrasment of HR defender Svetsik

KGB 220050, MinskProspekt Nesavisimosti 17Tel +375 17-2199299e-mail: Copy to: Prosecutor’s Office of VitebskVitebsk region210601, ul Zestkova, 14а, Vitebsk, Теl./Fax:+375 212 47-73-27+375 212 47-64-44 The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of BelarusMr Vasilevich G.A.220050 Internacionalnaja 22, MinskTel. +375 17 2264360 +375 17 2264358 The Ministry of Internal AffairsMr Naumov V.V.220050 Ul. Gorodskoj Val, 2Fax […]

March 31, 2009

CPJ concerned for welfare of detained Tibetan writer

The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the Public Security Bureau in China’s Gansu province to disclose the whereabouts and legal status of Kunga Tsayang, a monk from the Amdo Labrang Tashi Kyil Monastery who has written online political commentary.

March 24, 2009

Nobel Prize Committee protests South Africa’s refusal of visa to Dalai Lama

Latest 11:00 GMT: The organisers of the conference mentioned below has just confirmed their decision to cancel the event. In the announcement, made in Johannesburg this morning, the diplomatic tension that has emerged between South Africa and the People´s Republic of China over the visa to HH Dalai Lama, right, was given as the reason for the cancellation. Read yesterday’s press release from the Norwegian Tibet Committee below.

March 23, 2009

Tibetan writer Kunga Tseyang arrested

Reporters Without Borders condemns the arrest of Tibetan writer Kunga Tseyang on 17 March 2009, and the re-arrest of Jigme Gyatso, a monk who helped Dhondup Wangchen make “Leaving fear behind,” a 2008 documentary featuring interviews with more than 100 Tibetans, including monks and elderly people.

March 20, 2009

Meeting with leading Syrian Kurd human rights activist

The activist coming is a representative of PYD. A translator will be present throughout the meeting, to translate both ways between Kurdish and English.

March 19, 2009

Azerbaijan: Referendum in an atmosphere of intimidation and fear

In a fresh statement on the referendum over consitutional amendments in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee addresses the state coercion to make people vote, the absence of a meaningful public debate, and ultimately, given the rushed advance procedures, of the legality of the referendum. read the full stement below.

March 19, 2009

-Free Burma’s political prisoners now!

The Norwegian Burma Committee is one among more than 150 exile and solidarity groups for Burma now participating and supporting a worldwide campaign urging the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to make it a personal priority to secure the release of all political prisoners in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar).

March 10, 2009

CPJ calls for China to release Tibetan journalists and allow foreign reporting

Chinese authorities in Tibet should open the region to foreign journalists and release imprisoned Tibetan journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Tuesday is the 50th anniversary of an uprising against Chinese rule.