

June 2, 2009

Persecution of Kurdish Political Activists in Iran

–Although the Kurdish people consist of less than 15% of the Iranian population, they also make up about half of the number of people executed and have [been] subjected to political persecution in the past 10 years.–Mohammad Sadiq Kaboudvand

May 20, 2009

Seminar: Unjust and inefficient? Dublin II and the right to asylum in Europe

Nobel Peace Center and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee invite to a seminar and the opening of a photo exhibition ‘Waiting Room’ by Linda Bournane Engelberth.

May 15, 2009

The Belarus Road Map to Europe = the Road to Democracy?

The seminar will discuss the recent invitation from the European Union to Belarus to join the Eastern Partnership, and how this invitation can bring Belarus into a process of much needed reforms.

April 27, 2009

Norwegian Parliament withstands Chinese pressure

Norwegian Parliament (called Stortinget) was due to host a luncheon for a visiting
delegation from the People´s Republic of China earlier this week, but the 20 April event turned into a
diplomatic standoff.

April 25, 2009

Police brutality witnessed against 14-year old Kurdish child

In Hakkari, where people are protesting against operations against the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP), one child has died, and a police officer violently beat another child with his rifle butt.

April 24, 2009

Annual Meeting of Human Rights House Network

More than 40 Human Rights House Network members and observers from 18 countries will gather to the annual meeting in Oslo.

April 9, 2009

Kurdish politician on trial following his criticism of Prime Minister

Mahmut Alinak, former Kars province (eastern Turkey) party chair of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP), is on trial and facing a possible prison sentence, for a letter he sent Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in which he said, “You have deceived the people of Kars.”

April 9, 2009

HRHF and NHC concerned over repeated harrasment of HR defender Svetsik

KGB 220050, MinskProspekt Nesavisimosti 17Tel +375 17-2199299e-mail: Copy to: Prosecutor’s Office of VitebskVitebsk region210601, ul Zestkova, 14а, Vitebsk, Теl./Fax:+375 212 47-73-27+375 212 47-64-44 The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of BelarusMr Vasilevich G.A.220050 Internacionalnaja 22, MinskTel. +375 17 2264360 +375 17 2264358 The Ministry of Internal AffairsMr Naumov V.V.220050 Ul. Gorodskoj Val, 2Fax […]

March 31, 2009

CPJ concerned for welfare of detained Tibetan writer

The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on the Public Security Bureau in China’s Gansu province to disclose the whereabouts and legal status of Kunga Tsayang, a monk from the Amdo Labrang Tashi Kyil Monastery who has written online political commentary.