

October 7, 2009

Kazakhstan: Protests against court decision on Evgeniy Zhovtis

Every Wednesday supporters of the sentenced human rights activist meet downtown Almaty. Though prosecuted by the authorities, they are ready to continue holding manifestations until Zhovtis is freed.

October 7, 2009

Seminar on developments in Afghanistan

A seminar is entitled “The development of civil society in Afghanistan – where was it from?” Norwegian PEN succeded to invite the recently retired military chief, Sverre Diesen.

October 7, 2009

Day of Imprisoned Writer, Ossietzky Award, Norwegian PENs honorary award

Award given for outstanding achievements within the field of freedom of expression. Carl von Ossietzky (1889 – 1938) was a German pacifist and the recipient of the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize.

September 30, 2009

Turkmenistan pressed to open doors for human rights

A number of highly respected international rights organisations backed the Norwegian Helsinki Committee on Turkmenistan. A letter to Western governments and multinational companies, promoting greater consideration of HR when interacting with official Ashgabad, was presented on 29 September at the OSCE Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting (HDIM) in Warsaw.

September 25, 2009

Kurdish student prohibited from enrolling in University

Under the presidency of Ahmadinejad, banning Kurdish students from higher education based on their political and religious beliefs has increaased.

September 24, 2009

HRW report: Buddhist monks in Burma face continuing repressions

‘It is a timely reminder that the junta intensifies its crackdown on activists before the planned sham election in 2010’, – says Inger Lise Husøy, Director of Norwegian Burma Committee. The report describes the repression, intimidation and harsh prison sentences Burma’s monks experienced after they led demonstrations against the government in September 2007.

September 24, 2009

Seminar on climate and environmental challenges in the Himalayas

A seminar with expert/ scholar contributions will be held in connection with the upcoming International Climate Conference in Copenhagen. (COP15)

September 22, 2009

Ban Ki-moon urged to protect Tibetan nomads

Ahead of the global climate change summit in New York, 169 organisations, including the Norwegian Tibet Committee, appealed to the UN Secretary General on the issue of Tibet. They asked Ban Ki-moon to pressurise the Chinese President Hu Jintao to protect the occupied province from having its climate polluted and the Tibetan nomads from being evicted by force from their original areas.

September 14, 2009


Den norske Burmakomité deler ut ett reisestipend årlig på inntil 20.000 kroner til journalister i Norge for reportasjearbeid i Burma eller grenseområdene.