Broad Norwegian protest against violations in Western Sahara
The Human Rights House Foundation has joined 17 other Norwegian organisations in signing a letter to the Foreign Minister of Norway raising concern over the current situation in Western Sahara. Last week, Moroccan authorities subjected a group of leading Sahrawi human rights activists to serious violations.
Norway: Romany policy must change
Several organizations concerned about the Romany’s situation have come together to require the creation of a Truth Commission (Sannhetskommisjon) to clue violations against Romany/Gypsy people in Norway.
Nora Sveaass reelected to the UN Committee against Torture
Norwegian human rights NGOs wish to congratulate Dr Nora Sveaass with her re-election to the UN Committee against Torture. She was elected this week at the meeting of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Torture. There were nine candidates for five vacant seats on the ten member committee. Dr Sveaass was re-elected in the first round by 76 votes.
Petroleum producers in Burma: change practice or withdraw
The Norwegian Burma Committee is lobbying against backing vicious practice of oil and gas companies in the military-ruled state. French Total, linked to killings, corruption and exploiting forced labor in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), must be pressed by the Government Pension Fund (Petroleum Fund), says the Committee’s Director Inger Lise Husøy.
Seminar on female genital mutilation in Kurdistan
Many women in Iraqi Kurdistan still undergo traditional genital mutilation, shows the data collected by WADI association. The research was conducted in 2005 by teams of trained personnel in villages and small areas in the Kurdish region in Iraq. Traveling to affected areas also involved providing women with information film about the damage of female genital mutilation.
Support for Kurdish political prisoners launched by Women of Azarmehr
Women of Azarmehr have launched a campaign in support of thirteen Kurdish political prisoners who are believed to be on death row.
Chinese authorities saying ‘not truth’ about Himalayas problems
On Monday 5 October, in Oslo, the Norwegian Tibet Committee and the
Norway – Nepal Association invited for an open Seminar on “Climate
and environmental challenges in the Himalayas”.
Blue October Campaign in Norway
The right to clean water is in the middle of lectures, debates and other events.
Three Kurdish prisoners face imminent execution.
Amnesty International is trying to halt the execution of three Kurdish prisoners, who are believed to have been convicted based on their their membership and activities on behalf of the Kurdistan Independent Life Party (PJAK).