

October 16, 2009

Seminar on female genital mutilation in Kurdistan

Many women in Iraqi Kurdistan still undergo traditional genital mutilation, shows the data collected by WADI association. The research was conducted in 2005 by teams of trained personnel in villages and small areas in the Kurdish region in Iraq. Traveling to affected areas also involved providing women with information film about the damage of female genital mutilation.

October 15, 2009

Support for Kurdish political prisoners launched by Women of Azarmehr

Women of Azarmehr have launched a campaign in support of thirteen Kurdish political prisoners who are believed to be on death row.

October 12, 2009

Chinese authorities saying ‘not truth’ about Himalayas problems

On Monday 5 October, in Oslo, the Norwegian Tibet Committee and the
Norway – Nepal Association invited for an open Seminar on “Climate
and environmental challenges in the Himalayas”.

October 9, 2009

Blue October Campaign in Norway

The right to clean water is in the middle of lectures, debates and other events.

October 8, 2009

Three Kurdish prisoners face imminent execution.

Amnesty International is trying to halt the execution of three Kurdish prisoners, who are believed to have been convicted based on their their membership and activities on behalf of the Kurdistan Independent Life Party (PJAK).

October 7, 2009

Kazakhstan: Protests against court decision on Evgeniy Zhovtis

Every Wednesday supporters of the sentenced human rights activist meet downtown Almaty. Though prosecuted by the authorities, they are ready to continue holding manifestations until Zhovtis is freed.

October 7, 2009

Seminar on developments in Afghanistan

A seminar is entitled “The development of civil society in Afghanistan – where was it from?” Norwegian PEN succeded to invite the recently retired military chief, Sverre Diesen.

October 7, 2009

Day of Imprisoned Writer, Ossietzky Award, Norwegian PENs honorary award

Award given for outstanding achievements within the field of freedom of expression. Carl von Ossietzky (1889 – 1938) was a German pacifist and the recipient of the 1935 Nobel Peace Prize.

September 30, 2009

Turkmenistan pressed to open doors for human rights

A number of highly respected international rights organisations backed the Norwegian Helsinki Committee on Turkmenistan. A letter to Western governments and multinational companies, promoting greater consideration of HR when interacting with official Ashgabad, was presented on 29 September at the OSCE Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting (HDIM) in Warsaw.