

December 10, 2009

Norwegian Human Rights House -stop harassment against Shirin Ebadi

Members of the Norwegian Human Rights House urge the Iranian authorities to respect the dignity and work of the human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize winner 2003, Shirin Ebadi. We ask the authorities to return the confiscated award and put an end to all kind of repression against the highly respected human rights defender and her relatives.

December 8, 2009

Burma: political prisoner on hunger strike

Kyaw Zaw Lwin (a.k.a. Nyi Nyi Aung), right, a political prisoner in Burma’s notorious Insein Prison, is currently on hunger strike. 40-year-old Lwan, who was born in Burma but is a naturalized US citizen, is protesting his loss even of ordinary prisoner’s rights.

December 7, 2009

Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival

With an even bigger and even better programme than when we first did this, in December 2008, the second Human Rights Human Wrongs Documentary Film Festival promises to generate more attention and debate. The carefully selected films address four key areas of the current human rights situation around the world: Migration, Impunity and War Crimes, Whose Business is Human Rights?, and ‘Worlds without Witnesses’.

December 4, 2009

Nora Sveaass wins Norwegian Amnesty’s award for 2009

The Amnesty prize for 2009 goes to psychologist Nora Sveaas, right, for her strong engagement towards refugees’ and asylum seekers’ rights, and for her several years’ long work to secure adequate health care for people fleeing torture and mistreatment. Through her efforts, Sveaass has contributed to bringing a well-hidden problem into the public domain.

December 2, 2009

Situation in Eastern Burma ‘comparable to Darfur’

A new report shows that conditions in Eastern Burma are now comparable to those of the war-torn Darfur region in Western Republic of the Sudan. As a result of the systematic violations of human rights by the Burmese Military Junta, at least 75.000 people became refugees and more than half a million were internally displaced in the last year.

December 2, 2009

Concerns with pressure on Georgian media

Norwegian PEN, the Human Rights House Foundation and the Norwegian Helsinki Committee are alarmed by the information that representatives of Special Operative Department (SOD) of Adjara region within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia have attempted to exert pressure and blackmail Tedo Jorbenadze, head of the investigative reporting team of the “Batumelebi” Newspaper. We call upon the Georgian authorities to promptly investigate both this and previous incidents of pressure on “Batumelebi” and to take all appropriate measures to ensure a safe and enabling environment for all journalists in Georgia.

November 26, 2009

Burmese junta increases forced labour and child soldiers

50% increase in complaints of forced labour and more than half involving children and young people enrolled in the army. The military junta has inserted a provision in the Constitution that authorizes the use of civilians in the construction of roads, infrastructure, such as porters or minesweepers.

November 25, 2009

UN Universal Periodic Review of Norway screening

The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights hosts the screening of the United Nations’ review of Norway under the Universal periodic review mechanism. Following breakfast and a brief introduction by Kristin Høgdahl of the NCHR on what the UPR mechanism is, the actual review session in Geneva will be screened live on widescreen. After the review, from 12:00 to 12:30, there will be a brief concluding discussion.

November 24, 2009

Impunity for Kyrgyz secret services

On the night of 18 November, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee announced via Twitter the dramatic news from HR Center Memorial that one of their employees, Russian citizen Bakhrom Khamroev, had been arrested by the Kyrgyz security services, and later that he had been deported to Moscow.