China arrest six monks in Tibet Autonomous Region
Four monks of Wara Monastery in Thangpu Township, Jomda County (Jiangda xian) in Chamdo Prefecture, “Tibet Autonomous Region” were arrested on 15 May under suspicion of leading and instigating protest at the county headquarters in Spring 2008 and two other official monks of the same monastery were arrested on 16 May for their failure to ‘educate’ the monks under ‘Patriotic education’ campaign.
The Genocide in Srebrenica 15 years on
When: Thursday, 3. June 2010 08.30-13.00 To: Thursday, 3. June 2010 Where: Oslo, Literature House, Wergelandsveien 29, Host: Norwegian Helsnki Committee Program[1] 08.30 Registration and coffee 09.00 Welcome. Recognition and remembrance of the Srebrenica genocide in Norway Bjørn Engesland, Secretary- General, Norwegian Helsinki Committee 09.10 Opening State Secretary Gry Larsen, Norwegian Ministry […]
Kazakhstan’s OSCE chairmanship: Kazakhstan must implement its Human Rights obligations
-Kazakhstan, the current chair of The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), does not fully abide with OSCE human rights standards, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Oslo Center say in a mutual statement made in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan on 11 May 2010. The statement follows a new round of talks with foreign minister Saudabayev.
Norwegian filmmaker Erling Borgen harassed at Baku airport
Norwegian PEN, The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, the Human Rights House Foundation and Article 19 condemn the illegal confiscation of material and documentary footage from the Norwegian filmmaker Erling Borgen and the cameraman Dag Inge Dahl in Baku Airport on May 6, 2010.
Human rights defender arrested in Iran
In a letter to the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Sayed `Ali Khamenei, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, together with the seven other organisations of the Human Rights House in Oslo and the Oslo Center for Peace and Huamn Rights, call upon the Iranian authorities to immediately release Kaveh Ghasemi Kermanshahi, as he is solely detained for his peaceful human rights activities.
A critical point in Burma’s history
The upcoming election in Burma was discussed on 26 April 2010 at a seminar in Oslo. According to the participants, new election laws, as well as the new constitution that was pushed through in a farce of a referendum in 2008, have created ground rules that clearly favour the military junta. Seminar was organized by the Oslo Center, in cooperation with Norwegian Church Aid, the Norwegian Baptist Society and the Norwegian Burma Committee.
Oslo Freedom Forum 2010: Stand up for human rights
The Oslo Freedom Forum 2010 ran from April 26-28, 2010 in Christiania Theatre, Oslo, Norway. In the Forum participated 41 speakers who shared diverse perspectives and expertise, from those individuals with first-hand experience in the fight for human rights to those offering insight based on academic research and political and non-profit leadership. Norwegian Helsinki Committee was among the supporters of this event.
EU extends Burma sanctions and calls on regime to stop breaking international law
Burma Campaign UK welcomes the renewal of European Union (EU) sanctions against Burma for a further year, and a call by the EU for Burma to “end violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.” The problem with EU sanctions is that most are not effectively targeted, have not been used as part of coordinated diplomatic efforts.
-Human rights are also on the agenda, Mr President
Amnesty International, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights House Foundation staged a silent protest this morning outside the hotel where President Dimitri Medvedev has been staying during his visit to Norway. The demonstration helped draw public attention even further in the direction of the many grave human rights concerns in the Russian Federation. As Medvedev came out of the hotel and saw the demonstrators, he was heading straight for his talks with Jens Stoltenberg, the Norwegian Prime Minister.