

November 3, 2010

Norwegian NGOs showed solidarity with Russian pro-democracy movement

Eight Norwegian nongovernmental human rights organisations, including Amnesty International Norway, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Human Rights House Foundation, showed their support to a pro-democracy civil Russian movement “Strategy 31“ by organising a demonstration in Oslo.

November 3, 2010

Burma after elections: what role for the ethnic nationalities?

Norwegian Mission to the East invites to an open seminar in Burma: Aftermath of the Burmese elections and the road map to democracy: What role for the ethnic nationalities?

October 28, 2010

Ukraine: human rights defenders face harassment

Recent violations against human rights defenders in Ukraine raise concerns about their safety. Two cases of assaults against activists Dmytro Groysman and Andrei Fedosov, right, point to a worsening climate for human rights in the country and for those who seek to defend them.

October 28, 2010

Discussion on elections in Burma

Burma goes to vote on 7 November, twenty years after the previous election was rejected by the regime.

October 28, 2010

Solidarity 31

On 31 October eight Norwegian organizations will show their solidarity with Russian pro-democracy NGOs by gathering in front of parliament and claiming democracy in Russia.

October 24, 2010

Burma: no foreign journalists or observers for elections

Ahead of Burma’s upcoming Parliamentary elections, election observers and foreign journalists will not be allowed into Burma for its first polls in two decades, officials say. The restriction is the latest in a series of moves that critics say guarantees Burma’s first elections in 20 years will favor the military government.

October 19, 2010

Tibet: writer Tagyal released on “bail pending trial”, two students jailed

A Tibetan writer and intellectual jailed in April has been released on “bail pending trial” on 14 October, Beijing based Tibetan writer Woser said on her blog. At the same time two Tibetan students in the western province of Gansu sentenced to two-year jail terms in connection with protests at a local middle school.

October 17, 2010

Exiled Turkmen human rights activist under threat

The exiled Turkmen human rights defender Farid Tuhbatullin has received reliable information that an order to remove him quietly has been issued in his home country, Turkmenistan. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee takes this threat seriously and urges in a letter to Austrian authorities that they ensure the safety of Tuhbatullin and his family.

October 14, 2010

The 2010 Election in Burma/Myanmar in Historical Perspective

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and Norwegian Burma Committee have the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar with Mary Callahan: The 2010 Election in Burma/Myanmar in Historical Perspective.