

September 25, 2011

Kazakhstan: NHC calls for immediate release of lawyer Sokolova

Kazakhstan authorities continue to hold a harsh grip over human rights defenders, lawyers and opposition. Upcoming court appeal hearing of lawyer Natalya Sokolova, right, is yet another example of Kazakhtan’s horrific human rights record.

September 15, 2011

Russia: same old, same old

Several key areas where Russian government has yet to make a progress if the country wants to be more democratic remain to be a core issue with regard to human rights within Russian Federation. It was outlined during the visit of human rights defenders from the Norwegian Helsinki Committee to St. Petersburg and Moscow on 8-12 September.

September 8, 2011

Fearless Tibetan writer and blogger awarded a Prince Claus Award

Woeser, famous Tibetan blogger and human rights defender was awarded prestigious award by The Prince Claus Fund for her outstanding achievements in the field of human rights. During Chinese crackdown in Tibet in 2008, Woeser’s blog became a primary source for world media. Woeser kept posting daily updates on situation in Tibet relaying on her contacts with other Tibetan human rights defenders. Her articles were translated in numerous languages and the blog itself attracted around three million readers every day

September 1, 2011

Demolition of the Institute for Peace and Democracy in Azerbaijan condemned

The Human Rights House in Oslo together with dozens of other HR organizations has publicly condemned recent demolition of the Institute for Peace and Democracy in Baku. Earlier, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee sent a letter to Azerbaijani authorites including the President Ilham Aliyev, and demanded to investigate and bring persons responsible for demolition to justice.

August 22, 2011

Exiled Burmese ‘allowed home’, says the President of Burma

Burmese nationals who fled the country following the 1988 popular uprising are allowed to return to their country, President Thein Sein, right, said in his recent speech. Human rights activists believe this statement is ‘nothing more than a PR exercise’. In today’s Burma, close to 2,100 political prisoners are behind bars, among them monks, journalists, politicians and relief workers.

August 20, 2011

Day of the Imprisoned Writer and Ossietzky Prize 2011

15 November is marked every year by PEN centers around the world as “day of imprisoned writers.”

August 20, 2011

Iran seminar

The seminar will focus on the situation of women in general and women writers in particular.

August 20, 2011

Afghanistan seminar

The seminar will be about freedom of expression in Afghanistan, the plight of Afghan writers and the Authors’ House in Kabul, including the house’s general manager, Waheed Warasta.

August 15, 2011

Kazakhstan: lack of respect for the rule of law and freedom of expression

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is very disappointed that the human rights activist and laureate of the Sakharov Freedom Award Evgeniy Zhovtis on 2 August again was rejected in his appeal for early release. The trail of E. Zhovtis is a just a minor reflection of overall situation in Kazakhstan with regard to the situation of human rights defenders, freedom of expression and free media.