

December 28, 2005

Employees of Rebyia Kadeer freed after seven months in prison

Ruzi Mamat and and Aysham Kerim were released on December 14th , and allowed to return home after having been imprisoned since May 11th. Rafto Laureate Rebyia Kadeer had to leave behind several family members and a number of  employees when she was released and allowed to settle in the United States. She said that her guards threatend her; that if she was to associate with Uyghur exiles her children ‘would be finished’. (28-DEC-2005)

December 16, 2005

1.200 North Koreans defect to south in first eleven months

In an article published on December 11, 2005, Korea Times reports that more than 1.200 North Koreans defected to South Korea in the first 11 months of the year to flee the poverty-stricken communist country. The source of information was the Unification Ministry. (16-DEC-2005)

December 16, 2005

Kim Dae-jung wants pragmatic approach to human rights in North Korea

Former President Kim Dae-jung has stressed human rights conditions in North Korea could be improved through economic cooperation and cultural exchanges on a gradual basis, warning that any forcible and arbitrary outside move to change the human rights situation in the North would not be successful. Kim Dae-jung was awarded the Rafto Prize for human rights in 2000. (16-DEC-2005)

December 16, 2005

Report shows torture in Burma

On December 9 three members of the Burmese organisation «Assistance Association for Political Prisoners» (AAPP) released the report “The Darkness We See: Torture in Burma’s Interrogation Centers and Prisons” at a press conference in the Rafto House, Bergen. Cho Cho, Kyaw Maung and Kaythi Aye Bergen told their own stories of political imprisonment. 82 year old Mr. Bjørn Simonnæs was also invited to draw a historic line between his own experiences as a prisoner of war during Nazi Germany’s occupation of Norway 60 years ago to the systematic torture of political prisoners in Burma today.  (16-DEC-2005)

November 10, 2005

Chinese court jails Uyghur editor for publishing veiled dissent

Chinese authorities have jailed the chief editor of the Kashgar Literature Journal for publishing a fable they regard as a veiled indictment of China’s heavy-handed rule in the northwestern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Radio Free Asia (RFA) has learned. The author of the story is already serving a 10-year jail term for inciting separatism. (10-NOV-05)

November 7, 2005

Rafto Laureate: Putins actions in the Chechen Republic comparable to Stalins

Lidia Yusupova (right), Rafto Laureate of 2005, gave strong characteristics to the way the Russian Federation have dealt with the Chechen Republic during the last decade. At the award ceremony on November 6th in Bergen, she challenged the democracies of Western Europe to take a different approach towards the Russian Federation regarding the countries politics in the Chechen Republic. (07-NOV-05)

September 30, 2005

Rebyia Kadeer comes to Bergen on October 14th!

The Rafto Foundation will at long last be able to welcome Rebyia Kadeer in Bergen. She is coming to Norway to thank for the support and increased awareness on the human rights situation for the Uyghur population in Northwestern the People´s Republic of China. Mrs Kadeer will also discuss the matter of fifteen inncocent Uyghurs imprisoned on Guantanamo (10-OCT-2006)

September 30, 2005

China warns of Xinjiang “danger”.

BBC News reported on September 29th that the People´s Republic of China will tighten their grip on the Uyghurs.

September 18, 2005

Human Rights programme at Nordic Panorama

The Rafto Human Rights House is very pleased to be able to present a special human rights programme at the Nordic Panorama 2005 (23 – 28 September), in close co-operation with two of the leading international film festivals dedicated to human rights documentaries: One World in Prague, and Human Rights in Film in Warsaw.  (18-SEP-2005)