

June 15, 2009

Public discussion

Youth and Past Happenings in Croatia

June 15, 2009

Peace-building training

8th Mlada MIRamiDA training

May 28, 2009

GOLJP and Documenta react on Thompson’s concert

Civic Committee for Human Rights (GOLJP) and Documenta protest against planned location for realization of the concert of the Croatian singer Thompson (on right), who is known for his ultranationalistic hate-speeches and songs. The concert is planned to be organized at the main square in Zagreb, which GOLJP and Documenta find inadequate.

May 28, 2009

Fifth Regional Forum

Transitional justice in post-YU countries

May 25, 2009

HRH Zagreb building soon to be equipped

By signing the Contract on temporary usage of two buildings in the street Selska in Zagreb, for the needs of the association Human Rights House Zagreb (HRH Zagreb), Mayor of the city of Zagreb, Milan Bandic and President of the Board of HRH Zagreb, Sanja Sarnavka, have marked the beginning of activities regarding the elaboration of the building envisioned for HRH Zagreb usage.

May 25, 2009

Catalogue of vacancies for persons with disabilities

The president of the APEO and of the Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons Association (HSUTI), Mirjana Dobranovic and her associates, participated last week in Zagreb in a presentation of the “Catalogue of vacancies for persons with disabilities”. Catalogue offers the database of vacancies for persons with disabilities and set of how-tos for employers regarding the employment of the adequate person with disability for an unoccupied position.

May 13, 2009

Croatian Parliament owes an apology to public

Documenta, Civic Committee for Human Rights (GOLJP) and Centre for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights Osijek (CPNHR), have sent an open letter to Croatian Parliament urging it to issue an apology to the public, and particularly to the families of the victims of the war crime against civilians in Osijek, after belated decision on May 11th of the Credentials and Privileges Commission on detention of the convict Branimir Glavas, right.

May 11, 2009

New declaration in Croatia: Youth and Peacebuilding

The conference “The Role of Youth in Peace Building Process” was organized in Donja Stubica, in the end of March this year. As a result of the conference, participants have made a declaration on the role of youth in peace building processes, which will be the basis of advocating for institutional and legal changes on national and European level.

May 4, 2009

Archiving the threats to human rights activists

In relation to the forthcoming local elections in the Republic of Croatia, Centre for Peace Studies – Zagreb, CMS, wants to focus attention on cases of threats and violence towards activists on the local level, for their engagement and public action on local subjects and issues. For that purpose, CMS has developed a questionnaire to archive and track cases of violence and threats against human rights activists in the Republic of Croatia.