

July 14, 2009

Annual report of the Center for Human Rights

The annual report of the Center for Human Rights in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, contains a review of last year’s work and activities, and an overview of the human rights situation in the Republic of Croatia in 2008.

July 7, 2009

Censorship of the media in Croatia

On June 29, an international conference took place in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia focusing on the situation of media in the Republic of Croatia and the Western Balkans. The conference was organized by the Open Society Institute which invited and gathered journalists from Republic of Croatia and the region, foreign correspondents and guests, publishing houses, government officials, key international donors, NGOs, and others to participate.

June 29, 2009

Press Conference

Semi-annual report on war crimes in Croatia

June 23, 2009

Human rights in Croatian primary schools

Center for Human Rights in Zagreb, has made last week public presentation of the research results “Human rights in primary schools – theory and practice”. The research has been conducted in 24 primary schools in the Republic of Croatia.

June 19, 2009

HRH Zagreb sends open letter to the Government

Five organizations from Human Rights House Zagreb addressed the Open letter to the president of the Republic of Croatia, and to the Prime Minister and the president of the Assembly, urging them to clearly and openly condemn human rights violations in the People´s Republic of China during the visit of the president of People’s Republic of China, Hu Jintao, to Republic of Croatia.

June 19, 2009

Attackers of journalist still not caught

More than one year after the brutal assault on Dusan Miljus, an investigative reporter for the Croatian daily newspaper Jutarnji List, his attackers are yet to be arrested. The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), calls on the Croatian authorities to further ensure Miljus’s protection and to bring to justice those responsible for the attack.

June 18, 2009

Round table on availability rights

With a round table discussion on the topic of “Availability – the basic human right to movement, international standards and experiences”, Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons Association – HSUTI, has ended the project “Availability – basic human right to movement”.

June 17, 2009

Benefit Party

World Refugee Day

June 15, 2009

Training on anti-discrimination law

For NGO and media representatives