

August 20, 2009

Knin: Consultations held regarding RECOM initiative

Croatian non-governmental organizations Zena, Drnis and Documenta – Center for Dealing With the Past, in behalf of the Coalition for Establishing a Regional Commission for Truth-seeking and Truth-telling About War Crimes (RECOM), have organized in the beginning of August local consultations in Knin.

August 19, 2009

Empowering Croatian youth

8th Mlada MIRamiDA peace-building training for young activists from Republic of Croatia was organized in Zadar from 17 to 27 July. The training was realized in cooperation with CMS, Croatian Youth Network, and Documenta.

August 17, 2009

Call for Essays

How EU can learn from war and post-war experience of ex-Yugoslavia countries regarding the models of peace-building?

August 11, 2009

UN Human Rights Committee review of Croatia

When: Monday, 12. October 2009 To: Friday, 30. October 2009 Where: Geneva, Switzerland, UN’s Palais Wilson Host: United Nations Contact: Florian Irminger, Head of the HRHF Geneva office (

July 24, 2009

CMS appeals to Croatian government

CMS appealed to the Government of Republic of Croatia (RH) to base its strategies and measures for financial crisis prevention on the concept of human security, having in mind the priority of basic living needs of citizens of RH.

July 16, 2009

Press Conference

regarding recent constitutional appeals

July 14, 2009

Annual report of the Center for Human Rights

The annual report of the Center for Human Rights in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, contains a review of last year’s work and activities, and an overview of the human rights situation in the Republic of Croatia in 2008.

July 7, 2009

Censorship of the media in Croatia

On June 29, an international conference took place in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia focusing on the situation of media in the Republic of Croatia and the Western Balkans. The conference was organized by the Open Society Institute which invited and gathered journalists from Republic of Croatia and the region, foreign correspondents and guests, publishing houses, government officials, key international donors, NGOs, and others to participate.

June 29, 2009

Press Conference

Semi-annual report on war crimes in Croatia