

January 29, 2010

Driving test now available to people with disabilities in Croatia

Istrian people with disabilities finally have the opportunity to take the driving test in adjusted cars and classrooms. The ceremony in occassion of the new APEO project “Invalid Plus – Driving School for All” was held on Monday in front of the adjusted classrooms of the Croatian Automobile Club – HAK building in Pula.

January 29, 2010

Round table on all forms of violence in Crotia

HRH Zagreb organized a round table today, on “Encouraging the elimination of all forms of violence”. The round table is part of the pilot project “I listen, I hear, I understand”, implemented by B.a.B.e. and financially supported by the Ministry of Family, Veterans and Intergenerational Solidarity – MOBMS.

January 27, 2010

Fundraising Night

for the victims of Haiti

January 26, 2010

Public Hearing and Workshop

UPR and recommendations of UN Committee for Croatia in 2009

January 19, 2010

CMS Round Table

The experience of war history and lessons learned: Peaceful Reintegration

January 19, 2010

CMS Round Table

The experience of war history and lessons learned: Peaceful Reintegration

January 18, 2010

Peaceful reintegration as a model of good practice in Croatia

CMS, CZMOS and Documenta wrote a public statement on the occasion of 12 years of peaceful reintegration of Eastern Slavonia and Podunavlje, calling the public and authorities to recognize the importance of this model of reintegration by officially announcing 15th January – a day of peace-building, trust and inter-national reconciliation.

January 14, 2010

Race to the EU: Youth in the Last Ranks

Late December, B.a.B.e. representative Suzana Kunac presented significant research results on attitudes towards the European Union among Croatians. Youth are the most sceptical, it seems.

January 14, 2010

Bridge from Education to Employment
