

January 26, 2010

Public Hearing and Workshop

UPR and recommendations of UN Committee for Croatia in 2009

January 19, 2010

CMS Round Table

The experience of war history and lessons learned: Peaceful Reintegration

January 19, 2010

CMS Round Table

The experience of war history and lessons learned: Peaceful Reintegration

January 18, 2010

Peaceful reintegration as a model of good practice in Croatia

CMS, CZMOS and Documenta wrote a public statement on the occasion of 12 years of peaceful reintegration of Eastern Slavonia and Podunavlje, calling the public and authorities to recognize the importance of this model of reintegration by officially announcing 15th January – a day of peace-building, trust and inter-national reconciliation.

January 14, 2010

Race to the EU: Youth in the Last Ranks

Late December, B.a.B.e. representative Suzana Kunac presented significant research results on attitudes towards the European Union among Croatians. Youth are the most sceptical, it seems.

January 14, 2010

Bridge from Education to Employment


January 11, 2010

Social Democrat Ivo Josipovic elected Croatia president

The opposition Social Democrat, Ivo Josipovic, has won Croatia’s presidential election by a wide margin. Mr Josipovic has pledged to lead an “uncompromising fight against corruption” and to help the government complete EU membership talks this year.

December 30, 2009

Croatia elections generally in line with international standards

The 23 November elections to the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia were conducted generally in line with OSCE commitments and international standards for democratic elections. However, some issues remain to be addressed, concluded the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Election Observation Mission (EOM).

December 15, 2009

Human Rights House Zagreb officially opened

The Human Rights House Zagreb (HRH Zagreb) was officially opened on 10 December, the International Human Rights Day. It was opened by the deputy mayor of the city of Zagreb, Jelena Pavicevic-Vukicevic, who stressed that the House is opened not only for associations and their programs, but for all Croatian citizens. Right, Vesna Pusic, presidential candidate, at the opening of the new HR House in Zagreb.