

March 12, 2010

CMS’ First Round Table

on topic: “How the EU can learn from the war and post-war experiences of the former Yugoslavia?”

March 11, 2010

Documenta publishes a report on the monitoring of war crime trials in Croatia

Within the framework of the project „Monitoring of War Crime Trials in the Processes of Dealing With the Past“ in the period between April 2004 and 31 December 2009, Documenta monitored a total of 68 cases at county courts in the Republic of Croatia which represents about 77.2 % of all cases that were conducted during that period or are still ongoing.

March 10, 2010

Press Conference

Presentation of the Annual report on monitoring of the war crime trials

March 2, 2010

Open call: Human losses in Croatia

Documenta calls on all citizens who have any information about the victims of war in the Republic of Croatia (killed, disappeared, tortured, imprisoned… ), perpetrators, witnesses and / or text, photo or video documentation of war crimes committed during the war to contact and join Documenta in creating a true and based on the facts views of the war happenings in the period from 1991 – 1995, and the complete list of victims of war.

March 2, 2010

Open Call

Human Losses in Croatia: 1991 – 1995

February 27, 2010

Press Conference

Security-reporting System Without Civic Surveillance

February 22, 2010

HRH Zagreb revives the case of Vesna Balenovic

Human Rights House Zagreb sent open letters to the president of the Republic of Croatia, Ivo Josipovic and the Prime Minister, Jadranka Kosor, regarding the almost forgotten case of Vesna Balenovic (on right), who was removed from her position after pointing out criminal actions in the company she was working.

February 16, 2010

Human Rights House Zagreb collects donations for endangered Haitians

Green Action and the members of the Human Rights House Zagreb (B.a.B.e., CMS, Documenta, and GOLJP) organized a fundraising night on Saturday, January 30th 2010, in the premises of the Human Rights House Zagreb, in order provide a donor assistance for the victims in Haiti.

February 15, 2010

Riot police arrests 23 peaceful activists in Zagreb, Croatia

At 03.30 AM last Thursday in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, around 100 riot police officers arrested 23 activists from “Green Action” and “Right to the City”. The raid took place just hours after 4000 people turned out in snowy conditions to protest against turning part of the pedestrian zone into a ramp for an underground garage planned as part of the Floral Square (Cvjetni trg) and as part of luxury flat complexes that are developing in the old part of Zagreb.