

May 31, 2010

Press conference in Zagreb

Facts about all victims of war 1991-2001

May 10, 2010

Vego: Anti-discrimination is not a law, it’s a way of life

Center for Peace Studies – CMS took part in drafting the Act on Elimination of Discrimination in the Republic of Croatia – ZDS. Legal experts in the Republic of Croatia, evaluated the law itself as passable, but had remarks to make on the shortcomings of certain parts and provisions of the Act. Their remarks are mostly on the lack of a certain hierarchy between discriminatory basis.

May 6, 2010

Unemployed women with disabilities more susceptible to diseases

According to the recent research of National Institute for Public Health of Republic of Croatia (HZJZ), it is important to increase the number of employed women with disabilities, enable them to undergo re-training and additional education, and to provide them with social support “through self-help groups’’ and creative work.

May 4, 2010

CMS study visit and seminar

The role of civil society in offering protection and services to refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons.

April 23, 2010

APEO: Lack of parking places for persons with disabilities

Association for Promotion of Equal Possibilities to People With Disabilities – APEO, organized a round table last week on topic “Let’s make parking spaces available for persons with disabilities”.

April 21, 2010

Right of access to information violated in Croatia

A group of Croatian NGOs, including the organisations at the Human Rights House of Zagreb, has issued a press release regarding the recent police action towards Marko Rakar, right, Croatian blogger and columnist, calling state officials to respect international standards of citizens’ rights of access to information.

April 20, 2010

Croatian NGOs submitted the UPR report to the UN

Nineteen non-governmental organizations for the protection and promotion of human rights in the Republic of Croatia, gathered in an ad hoc coalition, and made the UPR report on the current situation and level of respect of the human rights in this country.

April 19, 2010

CMS Round Table

“New verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights against the Republic of Croatia, and new cases from Croatia before the Court”

April 14, 2010

SOM Group presented in HRH Zagreb

SOM group, together with its goals and future activities, was presented yesterday in the premises of the Human Rights House of Zagreb in the Republic of Croatia. It represents a group of individuals that advocate for free and responsible media in the Republic of Croatia.