

October 2, 2005

Radovan Stankovic transferred from the ICTY to Sarajevo

Radovan Stankovic (right) was transferred from the ICTY to Sarajevo on September 29, to be tried by the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Stankovic is charged with four counts of crimes against humanity and four counts of violations of the laws or customs of war. He is indicted in connection with crimes committed in 1992-93 after the fall of the Bosnian town of Foca. He is the first ICTY indictee to be transferred to a state in the former Yugoslavia for trial. (02-OCT-05)

September 30, 2005

Natasa Kandic – honorary citizen of the city of Sarajevo

The Assembly of the city of Sarajevo, at its session held on 29 September 2005, gave Mrs. Natasa Kandic, the executive director of the Humanitarian Law Center, an honorary citizen of the city of Sarajevo award! (30-SEP-05)

September 26, 2005

Conference focused on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan

On 7 September, the Human Rights House Network, in cooperation with OSCE, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Geneva, and the Swedish Helsinki Committee organized a conference in the Azeri capital of Baku. The conference focused on the human rights situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan, especially in the build-up to the Parliamentary elections in November. (26-SEP-05)

September 23, 2005

Joint Trial for nine accused for crimes committed in Srebrenica

On 21 September 2005, Trial Chamber III granted the Prosecution’s motion to join six cases involving nine of the highest-ranking officers of the Bosnian Serb Army. The charges against the accused relate to the forced removal of the Bosnian Muslim population from the Srebrenica and Zepa enclaves in Eastern Bosnia. It said the trial would avoid duplication, ensure consistency and lessen the hardship for witnesses. One of the nine suspects, Zdravko Tolimir, is still on the run, but the other eight are in custody. No trial date was announced. (23-SEP-05)

September 22, 2005

Region still insecure for human rights defenders

Human rights defenders in Serbia including Sonja Biserko, the chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia are being subjected to more physical violence, threats, and hate speech in the media than ever before, according to the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) in Vienna, which counts the Helsinki Committee among its 44 affiliates throughout the OSCE region. (22-SEP-05)

September 13, 2005

Segregation and apartheid at work

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has, on a number of occasions, appealed against the devastating separation of school-age children based on ethnicity. Despite all activities and appeals, the problem has escalated at the beginning of this school year, to the extent that we now have a practice of open segregation and apartheid in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (13-SEP-05)

July 24, 2005

Rights of Asylum Seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina Insufficiently Respected

As part of its regular monitoring of the situation in the field of human rights, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has produced the Analysis of the Status of Asylum Seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Aliens, particularly asylum seekers, are included in the vulnerable categories of population and their rights are violated more frequently than rights of other citizens. (25-JULY-05)

July 6, 2005

Tensions shortly before designation of genocide in Srebrenica

Yesterday, close to the Memorial centre in Potocari – Srebrenica, police of Republika Srpska found 35 kg of explosive.
Well known BH photographer Tarik Samarah announces his new project about Srebrenica under the title: “To see, to know, to remember”, which create tensions in Serbia. (06-JULY-05)

June 23, 2005

Declaration on Srebrenica didn’t adopted yet

Serbian Authorities didn’t adopted the Declaration on Srebrenica which is made by eight Serbian NGO`s. Members the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia refused to adopt the Declaration if it’s not include the other crimes wich had happened during the war in nineteen’s, and especially crimes against Serbs in the Republic of Croatia. (23-JUN-05)