

April 17, 2006

Anti-discrimination – a joint task

The NGO sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina has launched an initiative for drafting of an anti-discrimination law in this country. Adoption of the anti-discrimination law is not only an obligation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by international standards for the purpose of joining the European integration, but also a necessity and an urgent task of the general public of Bosnia and Herzegovina.  (17-APR-06)

March 21, 2006

Slobodan Milosevic: Rest in Peace?

After death had found him on 11 March 2006 in his detention cell in The Hague, Slobodan Milosevic (right), a former president of Serbia and the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia was buried in his hometown of Pozarevac on 18 March 2006. Reactions from the region to the death of Slobodan Milosevic varied. While some expressed frustration and regrets that the main player and the mind behind crimes had not lived to be punished by the Tribunal, which led to another case of justice not done, others glorified the personality of Slobodan Milosevic. (21-MAR-06)

March 10, 2006

Roma’s right

– To exercise the right to a home in this society is equal to an “act of heroism” even for “ordinary” citizens, but particularly for the Roma population. This sometimes borders with the impossible, despite its in fact being a fundamental right, says Branka Inic (right) Lawyer in the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (10-MAR-06)

March 9, 2006

Chance for apologize or new beginning?

The women of Bosnia and Herzegovina will, once again, on this 8 March raise their voice and say out loud that they want their human rights. Their position today is extremely difficult and not at all enviable. Women are discriminated against to a great extent in all spheres of life. They will, on this particular date, perhaps get a rose or a gift, instead of an apology. This small manifestation of attention will surely not improve their situation. (08-MAR-06)

February 21, 2006

Christian Schwarz-Schilling, the new High Representative

On 31 January 2006, Bosnia and Herzegovina received the new, fifth High Representative – Christian Schwarz-Schilling (right). Schwarz-Schilling has been engaged in work with Bosnia and Herzegovina for a long time already, having worked as a mediator during and after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. His appointment to the post of the High Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina was welcomed by many citizens, who recognized him as a true friend of this country. (21-FEB-06)

February 10, 2006

15,275 people still missing

On February 7, The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) published the seventh edition of the Book of Missing Persons on the Territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of its ongoing efforts to tackle one of the most serious humanitarian issues in the country. (10-FEB-06)

February 2, 2006

Places of Detention in Serbia

The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF) and seven partner Helsinki Committees released a report concerning Places of Detention in Serbia on January 24, 2006. Monitoring mission on places of detention in the Republic of Serbia was conducted on 30 and 31 May 2005. (02-FEB-06)

January 17, 2006

State of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, eleventh year in a row, reported about a state of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the PRESS Conference, held today, in the Human Rights House of Sarajevo, at the presence of more than 20 media agencies, Srdjan Dizdarevic, president of the Helsinki Committee, shortly presented mayor sequences of their findings on Human Rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005. (17-JAN-2006)

December 21, 2005

Trial of five members of Scorpions unit commences

The trial of five members of the Serb para-military formation “Scorpions” for murder of six imprisoned Bosnian Muslims from Srebrenica in July 1995 started yesterday before the Belgrade District Court War Crimes Chamber. They were arrested this year and accused of war crimes after the International War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague had presented, at the beginning of June, a video showing the murders. (21-DEC-05)